
Showing posts from February, 2019

Does the Left know their socialist national agenda is incompatible with Liberty?

For people who claim to be ‘Liberal’ they certainly don’t seem to advocate Liberty. The latest Kerfuffle is that Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) commented on the Democrats heading Left, away from the cause of Liberty. Going way over the head of the nation’s favorite socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) as reported in the Daily Wire. “We were the first to assert that the more complicated the forms assumed by civilization, the more restricted the freedom of the individual must become.” Benito Mussolini 9:17 AM – 24 Feb 2019 [Our emphasis] “We were the first to assert that the more complicated the forms assumed by civilization, the more restricted the freedom of the individual must become.” Benito Mussolini — Senator John Cornyn (@JohnCornyn) February 24, 2019 The socialist side of the Twittersphere failed to comprehend the point of quoting a Leftist in denigrating the freedom of the individual as a warning for the future. The additional factor being that many can

The 2nd Amendment right of self-preservation is closely tied to being pro-life

It should be obvious that pro-life also entails the right of self-defense. The words of the Declaration of Independence make this quite clear: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the consent of the governed. [Our emphasis] Despite the assertions of the Left in denigrating these rights, it is obvious that there is a close association between the right of self-preservation and being Pro-Life. This is an important point to recognize in the context of the planned vote on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act of Senator Ben Sasse (R., Neb.) and polling that shows a Dramatic and Sudden Move Toward Pro-Life Label , as well as the Left’s ongoing efforts to destroy the right of self-preservation . One

The alleged Berkley assailant threatened gun violence, why isn’t the Left outraged over that?

Why isn’t the Liberty grabber Left outraged over the alleged Berkley assailant threatening gun violence? The alleged assailant of the Turning Point USA volunteer at UC Berkley, the former home of the ‘free-speech movement’ in the People’s Republic of California, threatened to shoot the volunteer. Video of the alleged assault was recorded from multiple angles, including the victim himself with the phrase: ‘I’ll shoot you’re a…. B……’ This video from the Daily Caller of the alleged attack highlights the ‘gun violence’ threat from the alleged assailant: [Language warning] The alleged incident took place on February 19, 2019 as reported on the NOQ Report : Videos show conservative beaten on UC Berkeley campus. Please help identify the assaulter . The Associated Press: UC Berkeley investigating attack on conservative activist. As well as CNN: Conservative activist allegedly attacked on UC Berkeley campus. Curiously enough, the usual suspects of the Liberty grabber gang have b

Lessons on socialism from Venezuela

People who have lived under socialistic slavery know that is the same fraud that the nation’s Left is pushing. Those who have lived the horror that is socialism are generally its most vehement opponents. Talk to people from Russia, Eastern European countries, Vietnam or Venezuela and they will lay out the case for why they oppose the collectivist ideologies. They see through the obvious falsehood of ‘that wasn’t really socialism’ or similar nonsense. They intimately know of the misery, oppression and mass murder of socialism and that is why they are the most knowledgeable opposition to the Left’s socialist national agenda. Our latest example is a young student from Venezuela who wrote an opinion piece in USA today: Venezuela was my home, and socialism destroyed it. Slowly, it will destroy America, too. In addressing the Left’s socialist national agenda, he takes on the policy proposals of those who only pretend to be favourable to individual Liberty: Though so many of us Vene

Returning to sanity, the greatest benefit of limited government

The ever-expansive government born of collectivism results in power for the elite and insanity for everyone else. How did we get to this point? How did we get to a situation where reading the news is akin to trying to drink from a fire hose in attempting to take in the events of the day? There were times in the not so distant past were this wasn’t the case, when we could go about our business not having to waste time with such concerns. This is clearly a vestige of a political movement that wants to impose expansive government on every aspect of our lives. The elite of the collectivist Left would prefer a society driven to distraction intimately involved in everyone’s private life. The only way we can survive this is by reversing course back to a point where government and society doesn’t control every aspect of our lives. Colleague JD Rucker started this conversation with his article on limited government in continuation to the insane situation we find ourselves. Two important

The top 5 headlines of leftist media deception this week

A sampling of how the national socialist media deceives the public with one line editorials. One unfortunate result of many getting their news via social media headlines or cable news show chyron is that this ends up being the critical part of the story. Its wording and structure is of paramount importance for those who only view the world through one line of text. Even those who read just the headline and the first few words can be misleading, hence the term ‘burying the lede’ . Colleague Scarlett Madison made this important point in her article on how the NY Times shows how to be biased even when technically telling the truth. This is just a sampling of the past few days with some of the more absurd examples. No doubt, the socialist media will conjure up even more in their quest to propagandise the public. Daring United flight attendant takes a walk on a plane’s wing midair While not political per se, this example from a few weeks ago merits special attention. The future mu

Why didn’t the Green New Deal include the issue of Liberty Control?

The latest expression of the fraud of socialism failed to mention gun control. Why? Socialism has always been a fraudulent ideology, abounding with fallacious promises of free health care, free college, free housing, free food, and free income in the case of its latest abomination in the embodiment of the ‘Green New Deal’. The new wrinkle is that people won’t have to feel guilty about receiving stolen goods because they are saving the planet. Curiously enough, while it had just about every socialist ‘justice’ cause under the sun, there was no mention of guns, ‘gun safety’ or even ‘gun reform’ (whatever that means). Why does it seem as though the subjects of socialism and Liberty [gun] control are now on parallel political tracks? Up until a few years ago, it could be guaranteed that Leftists would parrot certain lies and talking points on both the subjects of Liberty control and alluding to the need for socialism. In the case of Liberty control, it would be calling for more and m

Did the ‘party of science’ prank themselves with the greatest practical joke ever, the ‘Green New Deal’?

There is one big problem with trying to (get to) ‘net-zero’ greenhouse gases, it can never happen. Sometimes it is hard to shake the thought that a higher power played a practical joke on the Authoritarian Socialist-Left with history’s greatest prank. Those familiar with the subject know that the highest manifestation of this ‘art form’ is when the target plays it on themselves and from a source that no one expects. The coincidences leave one gobsmacked as to how it all could be mere happenstance. The Left’s inherent arrogance has led them to believe they can never be wrong. Even if the result is that they ‘rule the population’ in the end. The problem for them is that they can’t exactly cast themselves as the ‘the party of science’ when they forget about the most abundant greenhouse gas. Full disclosure, we had been very reluctant to critique the purveyor of this plan knowing that her ‘proclivities’ would be her downfall, knowing it would pay a handsome dividend. We knew that ever

How China helped Venezuela spy on its citizens

China Uncensored profiles the socialist surveillance state ‘Liberating’ people the people of Venezuela. For the uninitiated, China Uncensored is a News site that provides a satirical look at China in the ‘Misinformation Age’. In this case we have the crossover story about Communist China and that dancing dictator Nicolás Maduro of Socialist Venezuela. It details a case of how one set of collectivists helped another set spy and oppress their people. Then again, according to Leftists, that would be ‘Liberate’ their people. Because nothing says freedom like 24/7 surveillance, the deprivation of human and civil rights, and the detention and execution of dissidents. Of course, this isn’t the only time the Chinese Communists have helped out the Venezuelan socialists. As reported in the Caracas Chronicles they supplied them with many of the lovely The Toys of Repression. These are the Ballenas (Water cannon trucks, or “whales,”), El Murciélago (“the bat”) and of course Tanquetas

Shouldn’t the Left be held accountable for the racism of gun control?

Liberty control has its roots in racism. Why isn’t advocating for it considered to be racist? We find ourselves at a very interesting conflux of issues these days. On the one hand, Democrats in Virginia are fighting off charges of racism while the rest of the nation’s Socialist-Left is openly talking about subjects such as ‘white privilege’ and judging people based on skin color instead of the content of their character as in the Covington Catholic high school case. Contrast this with their incessant efforts in tearing down basic human rights, in particular the right of self-defense. Meanwhile, we have the 1-year mark of the Parkland mass murder, the fuse that set off the Left’s crusade against Liberty. The Left’s efforts in controlling the right of self-defense have their roots in racism, not to mention that their crusade against this basic human Liberty adversely impact the minority community, so shouldn’t they be condemned for their racism in this regard? Shouldn’t the Left

Why do we even listen to Leftists?

The Green New Deal is just the latest reason why those who bespeak nonsense should be ignored. There are times when it’s truly mind-boggling that we even listen to the self-righteous pontifications of the Left. After all, these are based on a bizarre concept that somehow there is a fixed amount of wealth and that it is under the collective authority of society. That people incapable of running something other than a campaign for political office somehow know how to begin and grow a complex business or develop new technologies. Perhaps it’s a secret part of the swearing in of every politician whereby the knowledge of the universe is bestowed upon them, making them an instant expert in every field imaginable. That would be the only explanation of how those people think that they can call into existence that which is physically impossible with the wave of a pen or a phone. Or believe that a concept that has failed for 400 years will somehow suddenly work under their auspices. Thomas

Venezuelan socialism victims send message to American socialists

These points should be patently obvious: Once again, the fraudulent, organised evil that is socialism has failed to work as promised in Venezuela. The national Socialist-Left is making similarly fraudulent promises of a Utopian future with its’ farcical ‘Green new deal’ in the states. The first item eviscerates the platitudes of the false promises of the Left and yet a few carefully crafted polling questions have made it seem that the people want this socialistic snake oil. This is an ideology that can never work because it parasitically feeds off that produced by Economic Liberty. It cannot develop anything on it’s own because it defies basic psychology and the laws of physics. In light of this, we present a video from the good people at Campus Reform : Venezuelan socialism victims send message to American socialists Given that there is seemingly high percentage that pine for their own enslavement, Cabot Phillips of Campus Reform attended a protest with victims of Venezu

A brief history of the fraud of socialism

FreedomToons and PragerU have some new videos that eviscerate the tired old lie that socialism has never been tried before. The story began in the Jamestown colony in 1607 , well-nigh over 400 years ago. As always, the system failed to work. Then it was tried in the Plymouth colony in 1620 with more misery and death as the same result. And on, and on, and on, and on…… Until 4 Centuries later, with the National Socialist-Left wanting to give it a go one more time! Because if there is something about the Left’s flawed system of fraud, its going to have to work eventually. Goodness knows they would never lie about something like that. It’s not as though implementation of their disastrous ideology will yield them tremendous power over the people. [Yes, this is sarcasm] “Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don’t need it and hell where they already have it.” ― Ronald Reagan Now that the scourge of mankind and history greatest fraud is hopefully on it’s way

Why infanticide is endemic to the collectivist philosophy

When one is forming an ‘Ideal State’ one must have complete control over the people including who lives and who dies. Leftists are down to one last and excruciatingly inadequate excuse for the 400 years of failure that is their base ideology. This is the ad hoc rescue that collectivist systems of the past weren’t really collectivist. This abject denial of reality comes in varying forms with the false implication that the next time around, the new version will be different. That somehow socialism scam version 200.0 will have no need for coercion, re-education camps or death squads. This time around it will be the ‘Ideal State’ dreamed of by collectivists for over 2,400 years. As has been the thought experiment conducted down through the millennia, one only needs to apply ‘science’ to how humans interact and form societies to perfect a collectivist version. Unfortunately, reality and logic haven’t been too kind to their efforts at perfection over the past four centuries. Now t

The magical birth canal

  Choice42 makes the point that an arbitrary point in life doesn’t suddenly convey humanity and basic human rights. The contention from the Left is that there is some magical demarcation point in the life of a child. That before birth it’s just a fetus, clump of cells or a ‘parasite’ . Then in a flash, it suddenly becomes a human being, from mere passage of the birth canal. This video from a couple of months ago illustrates that this is an absurd contention. Bonus video   Leftists assert that like those on the Pro-Liberty Right that they want to protect the children. But only after the life changing passage of the magical birth canal. This video makes the point that the Left can’t have it both ways. Originally published on the NOQ Report

Enough is enough: Ban assault abortions

It’s time for a common sense solution to abortion violence : An #AssaultAbortionBan Now that the Left has become the party of Infanticide , Taxational theft, Socialism and of course Gun confiscation , perhaps it is time to address one of the more horrific aspects of their socialist national agenda. Statistics show that abortion is a leading cause of death, while there are those that would argue that this is merely a ‘medical procedure’ , it does extinguish a life whether they like the definition or not. Arbitrary judgments based on arbitrary determinations In many ways, it is truly perverse that there are those who judge an issue based on the mere transit of a birth canal, with this judgment is being expanded past this point . They want to insist that it’s not precisely life until past an arbitrary – and moving – reference point. They want to use these arbitrary determinations to judge whether or not something is morally correct. Even worse than that, there are those who wan

Collectivism 101: The origins of the epic fraud of socialism It’s time to finally reject the something for nothing scam from polite society. There are times when you have to wonder if people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez know they’re helping perpetrate history’s biggest scam operation. Most assuredly the terms swindle, fraud or shakedown are the nicest ways of referring to a set of ideas that have seen 400 years of death and oppression. As JD Rucker pointed out, today’s socialists no longer have an excuse to favor their ideology of societal slavery over Economic Liberty. It should be obvious to anyone with even a modicum of intelligence that the results of Economic Liberty far exceed the fraud of socialism. Nevertheless, there are those who still insist on wanting to enslave their fellow-man for their selfish needs while trying to assert a false sense of moral superiority. How people who think they are owed a living simply