Collectivism 101: The origins of the epic fraud of socialism

It’s time to finally reject the something for nothing scam from polite society.

There are times when you have to wonder if people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez know they’re helping perpetrate history’s biggest scam operation. Most assuredly the terms swindle, fraud or shakedown are the nicest ways of referring to a set of ideas that have seen 400 years of death and oppression. As JD Rucker pointed out, today’s socialists no longer have an excuse to favor their ideology of societal slavery over Economic Liberty.
It should be obvious to anyone with even a modicum of intelligence that the results of Economic Liberty far exceed the fraud of socialism. Nevertheless, there are those who still insist on wanting to enslave their fellow-man for their selfish needs while trying to assert a false sense of moral superiority. How people who think they are owed a living simply because they exist is hard to fathom. At its core, socialism is predicted on the fraud of getting something for nothing. While Leftists excel in dressing it up as “Social Justice’ its basic tenets are of taking from some to set up a dependent majority.

The origins of history’s biggest fraud

How did this colossal fraud get started? How did the idea of enslaving people become enshrined as their ‘Liberation’?
To do this we need to look back at how human civilisation developed and prospered. In the beginning, mankind was very much like the rest of the animal kingdom having to work in order to survive, roaming the wild hunting and gathering food.
Then came one of mankind’s greatest inventions: farming. This meant staying in one place, planting seeds, harvesting crops and domesticating animals instead of wandering around. Property rights were a natural outgrowth of this great advance, since farming only made sense if one could reap what they had sown. [Galatians 6:7] Farming and property rights further meant that one could build permanent homes and store away food for use later on, transforming the struggle to survive from that of satisfying immediate needs to delaying or forestalling them. These incredible advances changed everything.
The products of their labor could be voluntarily exchanged – traded – leading to mankind’s other great achievements. Trade meant that humans could specialize in what they did to survive, with some farming while others made tools or other necessities.
Staying in one place meant that humans could gather together. Specialisation meant that people could use voluntary exchange to trade in the fruits of their labor to their mutual benefit. This also meant that people could also exchange recollections of the past or new ideas, so one wouldn’t have to literally reinvent the wheel. The advances that began with farming and property rights placed humans far above the animal kingdom to become its master.

It all worked fine until some people decided they wanted something for nothing.

There will always be a small segment of society that would rather live off the fruits of someone else’s labour instead of producing their own.
  • Those who took other people’s property directly were the first criminals.
  • Those who took other people’s property through government were the first Leftists.
The early Leftists felt they needed to differentiate themselves from common thieves, even though they had a natural affinity because of their mutual interest of living off other people’s work. Oddly enough, those who parasitically feed off the efforts of others in society are considered to be sinister and weak.
The early Leftists had to somehow justify their outright theft of other people’s property. In order to do this they created the mythical idea of collective property ownership, partnered with the absurd concept that there is a fixed amount of ‘wealth’ and that there are some who have too much of it. Never mind that both of these concepts made no sense, since individuals around the world are constantly creating wealth.
They also justified the stealing property as being morally correct over its original production. This is how they feign magnanimity by taking other people’s money while someone keeping what they have already earned as being ‘greedy’. What better way to be absolved of outright theft [not to mention oppression and mass murder] than to self-declare one to be morally superior for the very act of outright theft? Leftists will tell you that they are morally superior since their moral superiority determines that they are morally superior.
Later on these people would be known as socialists, communists, Marxists, communards, Statists, Bolshevists, Trotskyists Fascists, Democratic Socialists, National Socialists, Progressivists, Stalinists and over 30 other synonyms. Since it’s always a hallmark of honest people to avoid aliases.

Spotting the fraud of socialism

Every living being since the beginning of time has had to exert effort in order to survive. Nevertheless, there are some in society who would rather swindle their fellow-man instead working. Those who do this under the guise of government and moral superiority all known as Leftists.
Spotting this fraud is easy if one knows what to look for. Generally it will be some sort of allusions to getting something for nothing dressed up in the fraud of moral superiority. The free stuff offered can range from free college, free healthcare, free housing to free money. This can also involve allusions to safety if other people are deprived of the right of self-defense.
There is a reason why a decent society punishes theft since is very detrimental to the public order. To hear the Left talk of it, this is somehow different if the government does it. This must be rejected for the same reason that criminal theft is penalised.

The takeaway

At this point in history, we know that the something for nothing scam of socialism will never work. Those who persist in trying to perpetuate this fraud should be easy to spot and avoid. This would be anyone offering something for nothing. They should be asked where are they to get these wonderful gifts without enslaving others. If they cannot properly answer the question they should be rejected no matter what they call themselves.

 Originally published on the NOQ Report


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