A brief history of the fraud of socialism

FreedomToons and PragerU have some new videos that eviscerate the tired old lie that socialism has never been tried before.
The story began in the Jamestown colony in 1607, well-nigh over 400 years ago. As always, the system failed to work. Then it was tried in the Plymouth colony in 1620 with more misery and death as the same result.
And on, and on, and on, and on…… Until 4 Centuries later, with the National Socialist-Left wanting to give it a go one more time! Because if there is something about the Left’s flawed system of fraud, its going to have to work eventually. Goodness knows they would never lie about something like that. It’s not as though implementation of their disastrous ideology will yield them tremendous power over the people. [Yes, this is sarcasm]
“Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don’t need it and hell where they already have it.”
― Ronald Reagan
Now that the scourge of mankind and history greatest fraud is hopefully on it’s way out in Venezuela, the clarion call that it wasn’t really socialism will soon be heard everywhere. The fraud of socialism always devolves down to complete control of society because wealth redistribution always requires coercion. Some have already tried to claim that it’s totalitarian instead of being socialist as those are somehow mutually exclusive.
Most likely this is the beginnings of the usual tactic of claiming that it was somehow ‘rightwing’ because the Left will claim it to be so, and why would they lie about something like that? Never mind that they’ve tried to pull the same feat of illogic for decades. Beginning with the lie that a certain National Socialist German Workers’ Party wasn’t actually a National Socialist German Workers’ Party.

When socialism supposedly isn’t socialism.

Everyone knows that it never starts out with grandiose promises of free health care, free college, free housing and even free money isn’t the usual way of selling that fraudulent ideology.
Oh wait, that IS how it starts out.
But at least there is no talk about curtailing civil liberties such as free-speech, due process and property rights.
Then again, that IS happening once again.
Well, rest assured gun confiscation to keep everyone safe is never on the table when a socialist system is being contemplated.
Oh well, that also took place in Venezuela for the cause of safety just as it’s being sold in the states.
We should have no worries, the socialists solemnly inform us that we’re not going to become another Jamestown, Plymouth, New harmony Indiana, La Réunion Texas, Soyuz Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik, Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei, Partido Comunista de Cuba, Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela, etc, etc. There certainly wouldn’t be any reason for them to lie about something like that, given that giving it another go in the states would yield them immense power over everyone’s property and Lives now would it?

Polling for dollars.

We’re supposed to listen to pollsters who can formulate their work to get the results they want. Ask the question the right way or alter the sample composition and you can supposedly get 97% of the people wanting strict control of their property. Never mind that in reality 97% the country has never agreed on anything else.

The Takeaway.

The fine people at PragerU have put together a short video making the point about the total fraud of socialism:

Published on Feb 6, 2019
In his State of the Union address, President Trump condemned Venezuela’s socialist policies and vowed that America would never be a socialist country. Why? Because, as Venezuela shows, socialism always destroys countries.

Please do Liberty a favour and show these videos to anyone who is even contemplating falling for this socialistic snake oil. It’s time to finally relegate this fraud to the ash heap of history once and for all.

 Originally published on the NOQ Report


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