Enough is enough: Ban assault abortions

It’s time for a common sense solution to abortion violence: An #AssaultAbortionBan

Now that the Left has become the party of Infanticide, Taxational theft, Socialism and of course Gun confiscation, perhaps it is time to address one of the more horrific aspects of their socialist national agenda. Statistics show that abortion is a leading cause of death, while there are those that would argue that this is merely a ‘medical procedure’ , it does extinguish a life whether they like the definition or not.

Arbitrary judgments based on arbitrary determinations

In many ways, it is truly perverse that there are those who judge an issue based on the mere transit of a birth canal, with this judgment is being expanded past this point. They want to insist that it’s not precisely life until past an arbitrary – and moving – reference point.
They want to use these arbitrary determinations to judge whether or not something is morally correct. Even worse than that, there are those who want to use the after effects to force some to change their minds on the subject of a basic human right. Applying this to the issue of Assault Abortions would doubtlessly see those with the same of a certain ideological bent on having the opposite point of view.
In other cases they want to use care for the children as a pretext to eviscerate other parts of the Bill of Rights while foregoing the same for child before birth.
The kind of society we are becoming is rapidly coming into focus. The Left would like it to become one of emotionally driven arguments where feelings are prioritized over facts and logic. Where people are disposable according to their supposed moral superiority decrees. That one’s right are determined by a sliding scale dependent upon inclusion in certain groups or political ideologies.
This is not about the basic and commonsense human right to self-preservation with the Left’s obsession of wanting to deprive people of that right with Liberty Control to empower themselves. Nor is it about the purposefully undefined terms ‘Assault weapon’ or ‘Military style’ with their insistence on exploiting the deaths of children for their selfish political games, while championing infanticide in another instance.
It’s simply common sense to halt a procedure that is unnecessary except for a few extreme cases. It costs the lives of millions of children, despite the Leftists’ supposed priority in protecting them. The invocation of certain arbitrary demarcation points not withstanding.

The Takeaway

There is no reason why we cannot have reasonable laws against Abortion violence and Assault Abortions. There is no comparison with the taking of an innocent life with the common sense human right of self-defense. The latter saves far more lives than it takes. The record on Assault Abortions is quite the opposite, making their banning imperative to those who really value life.
Most people would agree that Assault Abortions have no place in civil society, which is why they need to be banned.


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