The alleged Berkley assailant threatened gun violence, why isn’t the Left outraged over that?

Why isn’t the Liberty grabber Left outraged over the alleged Berkley assailant threatening gun violence?

The alleged assailant of the Turning Point USA volunteer at UC Berkley, the former home of the ‘free-speech movement’ in the People’s Republic of California, threatened to shoot the volunteer. Video of the alleged assault was recorded from multiple angles, including the victim himself with the phrase: ‘I’ll shoot you’re a…. B……’ This video from the Daily Caller of the alleged attack highlights the ‘gun violence’ threat from the alleged assailant:
[Language warning]
The alleged incident took place on February 19, 2019 as reported on the NOQ Report: Videos show conservative beaten on UC Berkeley campus. Please help identify the assaulter. The Associated Press: UC Berkeley investigating attack on conservative activist. As well as CNN: Conservative activist allegedly attacked on UC Berkeley campus.
Curiously enough, the usual suspects of the Liberty grabber gang have been strangely quiescent over their alleged bread and butter issue of ‘gun violence’ on school grounds. One would have expected that this alleged threat of ‘gun violence’ on the campus of Berkley would have spawned an overwhelming outcry from this community, replete with an accompanying hashtag and even more demands for gun confiscation.
This was an alleged outright threat of ‘gun violence’ in an event tailor-made for the time of the 1-year mark of the Parkland mass murder and yet it’s not being touted by the groups that are allegedly against ‘gun violence.’ Why?

The Liberty Grabber Left doesn’t really care about the threat of ‘gun violence’

Were they true to their press releases and blog posts, the purveyors of Liberty control would have been all over this story. It’s been several days since this alleged attack caught on video with an open threat of gun violence and yet they don’t seem to care about what they allegedly seem to care about.
It is plainly clear from this alleged incident that their alleged concerns over ‘gun violence’ of the Liberty Grabber Left are merely of guns being in ‘the wrong hands’.

This is why it’s a mistake to label the Liberty grabber Left as ‘Anti-gun’

This alleged incident shows that these are only alleged concerns of those opposed to ‘gun violence’. Were they truly concerned about the issue, they would be hard at work in Chicago, Washington DC and other high crime areas. They would be striving to get the criminals, the true purveyors of ‘gun violence’ off the street instead of targeting the freedom of the innocent. That is what people who are allegedly trying to keep children safe would actually be doing instead of obsessing over the stepping-stones to gun confiscation: Control over private property [Intergalactic Background Checks] and gun registration.

The Takeaway

If we are to win the cold culture war, we have to focus on what is important and the desires of those hostile to Liberty on the Left. The lack of care of those who are allegedly concerned about ‘gun violence’ shows their true priority of disarming the innocent.
It also means using the correct terminology for those in opposition to Liberty: Leftist instead of Liberal, Ant-Liberty instead of ‘anti-gun’.

 Originally published on the NOQ Report


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