The 2nd Amendment right of self-preservation is closely tied to being pro-life

It should be obvious that pro-life also entails the right of self-defense.

The words of the Declaration of Independence make this quite clear:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the consent of the governed.
[Our emphasis]
Despite the assertions of the Left in denigrating these rights, it is obvious that there is a close association between the right of self-preservation and being Pro-Life. This is an important point to recognize in the context of the planned vote on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act of Senator Ben Sasse (R., Neb.) and polling that shows a Dramatic and Sudden Move Toward Pro-Life Label, as well as the Left’s ongoing efforts to destroy the right of self-preservation.
One of the national Socialist-Left’s favorite little deceptions is to postulate opinion as fact and then base their arguments on this ‘fact’. Consider the assertion by Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez that President Trump is comparable to North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, and Russian President Vladimir Putin. This is an absurd proposition that a man opposed to socialism is somehow socialist based on a set of bizarre criteria unrelated to the true definition of the word.

The Left’s politically motivated opinion that guns have only one purpose

As is the case with other issues, our friends on the Left would like their opinion considered as factual in dictating that firearms have only one purpose. This ignores the fact that guns are used millions of times a year to deter crime and save lives. While they love to enshrine their little talking points in the realm of facts set in stone, this is only a feeble asseveration on their part.
The founding fathers affirmed the right of self-defense in the Constitution because it is directly tied to the right to life. The Left desperately wants to conceal this fact while parroting the ‘only purpose’ lie ad nauseam. Meanwhile they regularly dismiss a case of someone defending themselves or their loved ones as something unworthy of their esteemed consideration. This is also why it’s a mistake on the part of the Pro-Liberty Right to cast the Left as ‘Anti-gun’. Not only does this misdirect the argument towards a ‘scary looking’ inanimate object, but it turns the debate away from a fundamental Liberty: The Right to Life.

The choice of Individual rights versus Collective rights

Both the pro-life and right of self-preservation issues are closely tied to the Right to Life as referred to in the Declaration of Independence. These are both individual rights as favored by Conservatives and true Liberals alike. Collective rights as favored by the Socialist-Left tend to only value an individual in terms of how useful they are to the rest of society. Everyone’s life is dependent on their usefulness in service to the collective In the world of morally bankrupt ideas of the Left.
A belief system that favors the individual will also value their right to life or the defense of that life. Collectivists place life in the context of value to society, prioritizing the ‘Common Good Before Individual Good’ or Gemeinnutz vor Eigennutz in the original German of a certain National Socialist Worker’s Party.

The Takeway

The ugly secret of Liberty [gun] control is that it takes away the right to life of those already born and hands it over to the government, placing the collective ‘in charge’ of the use of force as the ultimate arbiter of who lives and who dies. A government with a monopoly on the use of force has incredible power as compared to one where the people have check on the power of the collective.
This is why the national Socialist-Left obsesses over this issue and why they are working even now to incrementally destroy our basic Liberties. This is not about ‘safety’ or the fears of children. Were this the case they would take actions that actually protect them. The incessant failure of Liberty control or Leftist propaganda on the issue proves this is the case.

 Originally published on the NOQ Report


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