How China helped Venezuela spy on its citizens

China Uncensored profiles the socialist surveillance state ‘Liberating’ people the people of Venezuela.

For the uninitiated, China Uncensored is a News site that provides a satirical look at China in the ‘Misinformation Age’. In this case we have the crossover story about Communist China and that dancing dictator Nicolás Maduro of Socialist Venezuela.
It details a case of how one set of collectivists helped another set spy and oppress their people. Then again, according to Leftists, that would be ‘Liberate’ their people. Because nothing says freedom like 24/7 surveillance, the deprivation of human and civil rights, and the detention and execution of dissidents.
Of course, this isn’t the only time the Chinese Communists have helped out the Venezuelan socialists. As reported in the Caracas Chronicles they supplied them with many of the lovely The Toys of Repression. These are the Ballenas (Water cannon trucks, or “whales,”), El Murciélago (“the bat”) and of course Tanquetas seen in the videos of the GNB and PNB ‘Liberating’ people the people of Venezuela.

Originally published on the NOQ Report


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