Why didn’t the Green New Deal include the issue of Liberty Control?

The latest expression of the fraud of socialism failed to mention gun control. Why?

Socialism has always been a fraudulent ideology, abounding with fallacious promises of free health care, free college, free housing, free food, and free income in the case of its latest abomination in the embodiment of the ‘Green New Deal’. The new wrinkle is that people won’t have to feel guilty about receiving stolen goods because they are saving the planet.
Curiously enough, while it had just about every socialist ‘justice’ cause under the sun, there was no mention of guns, ‘gun safety’ or even ‘gun reform’ (whatever that means). Why does it seem as though the subjects of socialism and Liberty [gun] control are now on parallel political tracks?
Up until a few years ago, it could be guaranteed that Leftists would parrot certain lies and talking points on both the subjects of Liberty control and alluding to the need for socialism. In the case of Liberty control, it would be calling for more and more laws overlaid on all the other laws. In the case of socialism it would be calling for implementation of the policy agendas of this ideology without the use of the word itself. Then recently it all seemed to change.

First came the opening of the socialistic floodgates

For the most part, even though the Oxford English Dictionary definition of Left was closely tied to socialism, Leftists tended to deny this obvious connection. Then along came Bernie Sanders and this seemed to serve to rip the mask off the Left as to their true identity. Now they embrace and revel in the label. Suddenly people who vehemently denied being socialist, almost tacitly admit to the decades of lies on the subject.
The false narrative is that we on the Pro-Liberty Right are somehow ‘afraid’ of them now. That this fear meme traces its roots back 500 years to the book ‘Utopia’ is a subject for another time. Suffice it to say that it began Karl Marx’s horrendous tome from over 170 years ago up to the words of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez today.

Then over time, the Left’s gun confiscation obsession came into focus

We have this Leftist obsession well documented and as in the case of hiding their obvious socialist national agenda, they also tended to lie about this as well. Even to this day they are trying to parrot the line that ‘No one is talking about confiscating guns’ despite over 70 instances that were a variation on that theme.
As of late, they have essentially dropped the mask, but still fail to be honest about their final solution to the Liberty problem. Most major Birdcage liners have openly demanded gun confiscation, sometimes with multiple instances spanning several years. With more gun confiscation demands being added to the list at the occasion of every serious crisis.

There’s something happening here, but it’s not exactly clear

Oddly enough, with both Leftist obsessions out in the open they never rhetorically connect them. Witness the present example of the Green New Deal, just about every Leftist dream ‘imaginable’ except for Liberty control.
Why are they reluctant to connect the tight control of the population and wealth redistribution with the common sense human Right of Self-preservation? Why would they avoid connecting the taking of one’s property with denying the right of self-defense?

The Takeaway – the answer should be obvious by now

They can’t exactly connect up these two issues because it would make it entirely obvious why they obsess over gun confiscation. One can’t forcibly take property from people who have the means to ‘resist’ [to coin a phrase] this governmental theft. Making it perfectly clear that this had nothing to do with ‘safety’ or ‘The children’ [Only after they are born, and in some cases, not even that]
The Left cannot mention gun confiscation and Liberty control in the same breath as socialistic theft because they cannot make it obvious that our right of self-defense throws a spanner into the works. Better to try to keep people perplexed as to their true intent for as long as possible until it is entirely obvious they only care about power.

 Originally published on the NOQ Report


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