Lessons on socialism from Venezuela

People who have lived under socialistic slavery know that is the same fraud that the nation’s Left is pushing.

Those who have lived the horror that is socialism are generally its most vehement opponents. Talk to people from Russia, Eastern European countries, Vietnam or Venezuela and they will lay out the case for why they oppose the collectivist ideologies. They see through the obvious falsehood of ‘that wasn’t really socialism’ or similar nonsense. They intimately know of the misery, oppression and mass murder of socialism and that is why they are the most knowledgeable opposition to the Left’s socialist national agenda.
Our latest example is a young student from Venezuela who wrote an opinion piece in USA today: Venezuela was my home, and socialism destroyed it. Slowly, it will destroy America, too. In addressing the Left’s socialist national agenda, he takes on the policy proposals of those who only pretend to be favourable to individual Liberty:
Though so many of us Venezuelans fled to the USA to escape from the destructive consequences of socialism, liberal politicians like Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Rep. José Serrano, D-N.Y., have praised the same kind of policies that produced famine, mass exodus and soaring inflation in Venezuela.
Additionally, many congressional Democrats support Medicare for All and the Green New Deal, proposals that would nationalize the health insurance industry, guarantee everyone who wants it a job and massively raise taxes, increasing government intervention in the economy like few countries except Cuba and Venezuela have seen before. Proponents think that they can give all Americans quality health care, housing and everything for free and that somehow, politicians can do a better job at running a business than the business owners themselves.
These proposals would skyrocket the budget deficit and national debt, which just reached a record $22 trillion. If that is not enough, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez endorsed paying for the proposal by asking the Federal Reserve to print money. This is exactly what produced Venezuela’s nightmare.
[Our emphasis]
Then he points out what is blatantly obvious, that people who have lived under the scourge of socialistic slavery know far more about its misery and death than so-called ‘Liberals’ in the states. In particular, he cites Paul Krugman, who tried to used the tired old excuse of that wasn’t really socialism in a recent column:
That people who reference Venezuela as a reason to reject the Left’s socialist national agenda don’t know what they are talking about: “whenever you see someone invoking Venezuela as a reason not to consider progressive policy ideas, you know right away that the person in question is uninformed, dishonest, or both.”
Note that he doesn’t distinguish those who have lived under the yoke of socialistic slavery and others. Somehow Paul Krugman knows more about the 4 centuries of failure that is socialism than those who have directly experienced it.
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In the interview above, Glenn Beck and Daniel Di Martino made the point that the tired old “That wasn’t really socialism” is a complete fallacy.

Collectivism can only operate within a certain set of parameters.

  • It’s accompanied by all manner of fantastic promises that can never be fulfilled.
  • It forcibly redistributes wealth to enslave those who produce and create dependency in those who do not.
  • It deprives the people of the sensible human right of self-preservation because the government has to have a monopoly on the use of force.
  • It’s the arbiter on who lives, and who dies.
  • It tightly controls the people with a secret police apparatus when the fantastic promises don’t materialize.
In the end, a small cadre of socialists runs the system, with farcical democratic processes. Rather than produce equality and fairness based on merit, it produces a society with the wealth concentrated with the socialist control class.

The Takeaway

It is plainly obvious that the only way the nation’s Left can sell their socialistic snake oil is by deception and outright falsehoods. This begins with their false pretense of being ‘Liberal’ and ends exploiting the lie that ‘Socialism has never yet existed’.
After 400 years of failure, misery and mass murder, socialism is on its last legs. Venezuelan socialism is collapsing as collectivism always does. Meanwhile, in the states the nation’s Left is dealing with chaos and confusion about who is socialist. It is time that this colossal fraud be relegated to the ash heap of history. It is time to banish this historical abomination. Those who know this colossal fraud aren’t really afraid of it, they merely despise it for what it truly is.

 Originally published on the NOQ Report


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