
Showing posts from January, 2018

Muskets are now in the cross-hairs

It’s been a staple of the gun grabber left to invoke muskets when referring to the 2nd amendment. The contention is usually that the founding fathers wouldn’t have affirmed the civil right of self defense IF they had known what the future would hold with ‘military style’ and repeating firearms. Of course, this is balderdash of the first order given that they were learned men with knowledge of how technology had progressed from the past and what it would do the same in the future. In addition, repeating firearms had already been created at the time (e.g. the Puckle gun), the technology was in a nascent state at the time and the military was the source of most firearms. That being said, there is now a report from the Free Beacon that Former congresswoman Gabby Giffords’s gun control group has released a warning of the danger of muzzle loaders [Essentially muskets] and other devices: Muzzleloaders are firearms that must be loaded through the end of the barrel with p

News Open Thread


Gun Confiscation Bingo

Hey boys and girls, it’s time to play the hottest new game for fun and fabulous prizes.* The lie from the Left has always been “We’re not talking about taking guns away from people” , while they talk about taking guns away from people.   So the trick now its to find one of them who HASN’T demanded gun confiscation by the process of elimination. The rules are simple – List out the major media outlets of the socialist–Left around the nation in these categories: National political figures of the socialist-left. Major print outlets of the socialist-left. Major media outlets of the socialist-left. National media figures of the socialist left. Then each player must search and find an instance of a gun confiscation demand by these media outlets or person of note. The two at the top of this piece from ABC news and the Boston Globe are freebies, and the odds are 5 minutes after this is published there will be many more. Points will be awarded for the type of demand as wel

Open Thread


The Left Is Fracturing, So Please Stop Conflating Socialists And Liberals As Being One And The Same.

H/T MEOSO.COM   Liberals have far more in common with Conservatives than they realize, it is time to welcome them to the freedom side of the political spectrum. The classic liberal used to be the man who believed the individual was, and should be forever, the master of his destiny. That is now the conservative position. The liberal used to believe in freedom under law. He now takes the ancient feudal position that power is everything. He believes in a stronger and stronger central government, in the philosophy that control is better than freedom. The conservative now quotes Thomas Paine, a long-time refuge of the liberals: “Government is a necessary evil; let us have as little of it as possible.” Ronald Reagan YouTube has a very curious series of videos that feature people who are leaving the Left. It should be noted that the nations’ left has always been deceptive in the false front it portrays to the general public. Most political movements have inter

Sunday Music Open Thread


Scrap socialism, Part II

In the first part of this series, we laid out the case that the limited government of a representative republic is far superior to the oppressive collectivist ideologies. Part II will dispel the ‘That wasn’t really Socialism’ mythology of the nation’s Left as one of the last ways of selling it to a new generation, and another reason the ideology should be eliminated. Part III will briefly discuss the vast sins of socialism, etc. , with regard to the ‘Socialism hasn’t been done correctly’ Lie or some variation thereof as the final part of the case for the abolition of this modern day slavery. ‘That wasn’t really Socialism’ Most of the Conservative-Right find it absolutely baffling that anyone would support the immoral and parasitic collectivist ideologies after their centuries of failure, oppression and mass murder. The abject denial of the ideology’s dark history has to be the main reason, if not merely a lack of knowledge or the prospect of obtaining free stu

Video Open Thread


The Top 4 Reasons We Shouldn’t Sink To The Level Of The Socialist-Left

There was a report that a group of pro-Trump supporters shouted down a Leftist speaker at a college in California a few days ago. Many on the Right intrinsically understand this is wrong on multiple levels and the purpose here is to detail why we need to refrain from this abhorrent behavior. 1. When someone acts like a barbarian they become the a barbarian. This is a bit of a cliché, but it does hold some wisdom. It is best to differentiate oneself from the other side and show our policies as superior in the marketplace of ideas. We certainly cannot condemn the Left for acting like children when our side engages in the same behaviour. 2. Using their ‘advantage’ against them. There are certain martial arts disciplines that teach that one should use an opponent’s advantages against them. In the case of politics, ad hominem attacks and childish behaviour from the Left has become depressingly prevalent over the years Pointing out that these tactics signify a decided

Open Thread


It’s a health issue: The left opens up a new front in the war on liberty

The desire for control has differentiated Left from Right, now the Left is using health concerns to further this effort The desire for control on the part of the Left is the main difference between the two sides of the political divide. As a general rule, Left continually advocates increased government control with everything from taxation to climate change. One of the Left’s newest methods is to use health issues with nary a concern over those pesky notions of liberty and freedom. The Left began using this with the 2nd amendment, with everyone’s health and safety taking precedent over that restraint on the government. And now they are expanding the assault, moving into the areas of free-speech The Leftist case for restricting liberty due to health concerns Back in June the LA Times published an Op-ed basing the need for restricting free-speech on health issues: The case for restricting hate speech In fact, empirical data suggest that frequent verbal harassment

Abolition of Socialism Open Thread


Gun Confiscation Open Thread


Let’s Ban Cultural Marxism Before Trying Anything Else.

Diagnosing the root cause of a problem is the first step in solving it. A weekly gathering of friends had the mass murder in Las Vegas as the topic de jour and a heartfelt discussion about what to do. A friend I’ve known for 10 years – and who has never voiced a political opinion – expressed support of strict gun control. I pointed out the many cases where that has only made the situation worse and that the murderer could have used a number of different methods to accomplish the same goal. She asked quite earnestly what we could do about the problem and my thoughtful response was that we need to go back to where we were 40 – 50 years ago. I said that everyone needs to consider that semi-automatic firearms have been around for over 100 years, repeating firearms for over 160 and edged weapons since the stone age. Therefore, it has nothing to do with the weaponry and everything to do with what has been taking place the past few decades. Her heartfelt response was that w

Shutdown Thread

Of course, with the appropriate musical accompaniment.

Video: Hava nagila


Open Thread


Bump stocks, belt loops and slippery slopes

Recent events have suddenly thrust ‘Bump Stocks’ into the news, with many on the Conservative side of the political spectrum wrestling with the issue. As is usually the case, the gun grabbers want to ban them and punish the innocent because of the actions of one mass murderer. And it will be as yet another incremental deprivation of the people’s common-sense Civil Rights. From the outset, there were many who tended to go with this mindset out of a sheer emotional response. Sadly, this includes the NRA which has called for ATF review of bump stocks and new regulations. But as is the case with these situations, everyone has to the consider the greater implications of a ban on these devices. Someone can have the same functionality merely by training to rapidly pull the trigger. Background Please pardon a little technical background to the issue, but it is important in taking a full consideration of the issue of these dev

Charges of racism only work to silence people who aren’t racist

This is one of those profound statements that leaves one gobsmacked by it’s essential truth. It was originated by pundit and video raconteur Bill Whittle 5 years ago in a video segment on the Marxist shield of political correctness.    People who are truly racist do not care about that kind of accusation. An organisation such as the KKK that was “In effect, the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party”, Wouldn’t care about that kind of accusation, and in fact they are disturbingly proud that is their brand, their identity. However, those who are the opposite of a racist, who the judge people by the content of their character rather than the colour of their skin, are horrified by such a charge and are usually silenced as a result. That is the desired effect in using such tactics, and it only has that result when used against those who are not guilty of the charge. So in light of today’s holiday, we should consider this profundity when discussing

Commonsense Civil Right of Armed Self-Defense Reference


Remember these numbers: 120 Million Gun Owners and 600 Million guns.

One of the perennial tropes of the gun grabbers of the national Socialist left is that gun ownership is declining and seemingly after years and years of record gun sales the number of guns remains at 300 Million. Basic scientific logic tells us that positive flow into a control space will result in an accumulation, and yet we’re supposed to believe this isn’t the case.   Recent analysis and polling has dispensed with these mythical notions.  120 Million Gun Owners A recent poll by Wall Street Journal has only confirmed what we’ve known all along, that gun ownership is expanding at an incredible rate. While the folks who avail themselves armed protection have tried to disdain this for the ‘commoners’, the people have instead stocked up on firearms, ammunition and other supplies. Anyone who has compared the crowds at gun shows at present with only a few months ago can attest to this phenomena. QF10 Do you, or does anyone in your household, own a gun of any kind?                     

Open Thread


Scrap Socialism: Part I

The collectivist ideologies have left a trail of death and destruction for centuries, isn’t it time to be rid of them as a viable form of government? “A society based on the freedom to choose is better than a society based on the principles of socialism, communism and coercion.” – Milton Friedman Why the economic slavery of Socialism, etc. need to be eliminated Since the Socialist-Left insists on recycling the absurd idea of abolishing the economic liberty of the Free-Market [Or their pejorative terminology ‘capitalism’ ] why not consider the reverse position of abolishing the economic slavery of Socialism? The means scraping it’s dizzying array of alternate labels which all can be included ‘collectively’ as: Socialism, etc. We will make the case for the abolition of theses ideologies and the keeping of economic liberty. This will be built upon three main parts. The first will be an examination of the age of experimentation of governance and why the best forms sho

Change Is The Wrong Metric To Determine Right And Left

Back during the inception of the Republican party it’s raison d'être was the radical idea of the abolition of slavery while the Democratic party favoured appeasement on the issue. The Republicans were the party of change while Democrats were of the status quo. The Video posted below details these facts. In this case the change metric would have incorrectly had the Republicans on the Left and the Democrats on the Right. This example aptly illustrates that the Right – Left determination has to be based on the proper metric of government size and power, not change. This is the underlying metric of the dictionary definitions of the various ideological terms with change being hardly mentioned . It would seem that the primary purpose of the change metric is a desperate attempt at the incorrect placing certain ideologies that are clearly Leftist somewhere else. It should be obvious that governmental size and power is the only metric that makes sense given the ideological makeup of the va

Subject Quotes Open Thread


VIDEO Milton Friedman/Econ Reference.


Reference Excerpt: “But that wasn’t REAL socialism!” (Part 1: the USSR)

One of the Left’s perennial favourites in denying the history of their ideology is the use of that or a similar variation of that phrase to attempt to absolve  themselves of the centuries of failure that is their immoral and parasitic base ideology.  These articles prove this isn't the case.  This is an excerpt of part I of an article that eviscerates this falsehood. Socialism is a lot like the bad guy in a low-budget horror movie, who, especially towards the end of the movie, just stubbornly refuses to die. He gets shot, he gets stabbed, he gets thrown out of a window, he gets run over by a car – but every time you think he could not possibly have survived this, he gets up again. And is as lethal as ever. Socialism is like that. It used to be a common assumption that the history of socialism essentially ended with the fall of the Berlin Wall, that no political idea could possibly survive such a crushing defeat. Far from it: in 1998, Venezuela elected a socialist president, gi

Open Thread


Excerpt: The Pen that Toppled an Empire: Solzhenitsyn and The Gulag Archipelago

Location of Forced-Labor Camps in the Soviet Union The blog of the victims of recently posted and article. The Pen that Toppled an Empire: Solzhenitsyn and The Gulag Archipelago. We will attempt to do it justice with some excerpts on the main points of the piece. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was one of the giants in opposing the evil that is socialism and like many he was initially taken in by it’s grandiose and flowery promises of equality in a “Worker’s Paradise”. Like many he realized that these promises were a chimera. He spent years in the system of oppression that is all too endemic to Socialism and he was able to bring retribution to the regime that perpetuated these and monstrous crimes by bringing it down. It's is our contention that this could be considered to be the beginning of the end of the very idea of Socialism. The article details his journey from being an enthusiastic adherent of this new and wondrous system to his realisation of the bruta

Normalizing the Fascist Left

Sometimes the Nation’s Socialist media let’s the mask slip and in other cases, it drops it to the floor.   We are witness to the latter instance here.  Instead of properly condemning violent extremist groups of any stripe, the NSM has begun whitewashing the reputation of the Fascist ‘Antifa’, as well as doing the same for the immoral and parasitic collectivist ideologies.  The ‘newspaper of record’ just published an opinion piece entitled: Who’s Afraid of Antifa? Antifa is the backlash to the backlash, a defensive response to the growing presence of right-wing extremism. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t worry. Because antifa groups are willing to use force when needed, provoking them can trigger a self-fulfilling prophecy. [..] Who are the antifa, then? They do not advocate a positive doctrine, racial or otherwise. Some supporters consider themselves (as Mr. Trump accurately said) anarchists, some Marxists of different stripes; others don’t care much what you call them. Ther

Open Thread


Video: Gustav Holst - The Planets - Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity


Open Thread Debate Reference


PragerU: How's Socialism Doing in Venezuela?

  Venezuela is falling apart. Its economy? Ruined. Its people? Hungry. Its government? Corrupt. What happened? In a word, socialism. Debbie D'Souza, a native Venezuelan and political activist, explains. Donate today to PragerU!

Open Thread

2nd Amendment.   Yeah. Just keep poking the bear.

Open Thread


PragerU: If You Hate Poverty, You Should Love The Free Market.

Globalization means the ever-increasing ability to move goods, people, and ideas from one distant location to another. Free trade is open access to markets and people from all over the world with few, if any, barriers. Property rights is ensuring that what belongs to you can’t be taken away on a whim by the state. The rule of law safeguards contracts, assuring that they will be respected and lived up to whether the deal is made in Peru or Poland. And entrepreneurship is the creativity of free people to dream up new products that we never knew we wanted or needed. Did you know that since 1970, the percentage of humanity living in extreme poverty has fallen 80 percent? How did that happen? Arthur Brooks, president of the American Enterprise Institute, explains. The next time you hear someone complain about capitalism, consider this: The percentage of people living at starvation level poverty has fallen 80% since 1970. Before then, more than one in four people around the