Muskets are now in the cross-hairs

It’s been a staple of the gun grabber left to invoke muskets when referring to the 2nd amendment. The contention is usually that the founding fathers wouldn’t have affirmed the civil right of self defense IF they had known what the future would hold with ‘military style’ and repeating firearms. Of course, this is balderdash of the first order given that they were learned men with knowledge of how technology had progressed from the past and what it would do the same in the future. In addition, repeating firearms had already been created at the time (e.g. the Puckle gun), the technology was in a nascent state at the time and the military was the source of most firearms.
That being said, there is now a report from the Free Beacon that Former congresswoman Gabby Giffords’s gun control group has released a warning of the danger of muzzle loaders [Essentially muskets] and other devices:
Muzzleloaders are firearms that must be loaded through the end of the barrel with powder, wadding and a projecticle [sic]. Muzzleloaders fell out of favor as a firearm of choice almost a century ago, and are generally seen as primitive antiques. That’s why federal law generally exempts them from regulation. Cue the .50 calibre muzzleloader, which delivers a particularly lethal .50 caliber round.
Granted, this is within the context of a musket with suppressor, but the gun grabber refrain has always been that we’re only ‘allowed’ these weapons under the auspices of the 2nd amendment. So now they have ‘jumped the shark’ and are now going after technology from centuries past.
By the way, one of the best known examples of the ‘Military Style’ of the day was the .75 calibre ‘Brown Bess’ musket carried by the Redcoats in the Revolutionary war. This was the reason the founding fathers placed the commonsense civil right of self defense near the top of the Bill of Rights, and now even that technology is unacceptable to the gun grabbers.


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