Remember these numbers: 120 Million Gun Owners and 600 Million guns.

One of the perennial tropes of the gun grabbers of the national Socialist left is that gun ownership is declining and seemingly after years and years of record gun sales the number of guns remains at 300 Million. Basic scientific logic tells us that positive flow into a control space will result in an accumulation, and yet we’re supposed to believe this isn’t the case.   Recent analysis and polling has dispensed with these mythical notions. 

120 Million Gun Owners

A recent poll by Wall Street Journal has only confirmed what we’ve known all along, that gun ownership is expanding at an incredible rate. While the folks who avail themselves armed protection have tried to disdain this for the ‘commoners’, the people have instead stocked up on firearms, ammunition and other supplies. Anyone who has compared the crowds at gun shows at present with only a few months ago can attest to this phenomena.
QF10 Do you, or does anyone in your household, own a gun of any kind?
                                             9/17 6/16+ 10/15 2/13
Yes, gun in household      48     45        41     42
No, no gun in household 50      50       54     54

The question was one of the last in the survey and asked ‘for statistical purposes only’, but it puts the lie to the gun grabber narrative of declining gun ownership. This falsehood made no sense given recent events and trends. People generally want to be able to protect themselves from Islamic Terrorism, and don’t trust the gun grabbers with their next incremental abrogation of everyone’s common sense civil rights. The people know that as is typical of the national Socialist Left, they are never honest about their true intentions and their ultimate goals. The gun grabbers will never openly admit that the obvious end game to their incessant attacks against the people’s common sense civil rights is to extinguish them in their entirety. Thus more and more people are following the advice of ‘getting your guns while you still can’. As well as having a few ‘extra’ for emergencies.
Keep in mind that many people won’t actually divulge their gun ownership to some random person chatting them up on the phone, so it’s most likely that that number is a bit low.

The Washington Free Beacon  ran the numbers from the United States Census Bureau and determined that there are (at least) 120 Million Gun Owners:
The United States Census Bureau estimates there are 249,454,440 adults currently living in America. If the Wall Street Journal/NBC News survey is accurate, that equates to 119,738,131 Americans with a gun in their home.

The odds are that those numbers are a bit low given the reticence of people to divulge this information, but it’s a good starting point.

600 Million guns

The gun grabbers also like to play the game of disinformation with regard to the number of firearms in circulation. The number commonly bandied about is 300 Million or expressed in terms of one gun for every man, woman and child in the nation or some variation thereof. The problem is that this factoid has remained unchanged through many years of tribulation. Recently the weaponsman took a hard look at the issue and ran the numbers:
We believe that the correct number is much higher — somewhere between 412 and 660 million. You may wonder how we came to that number, so buckle up (and cringe, if you’re a math-phobe, although it never gets too theoretical): unlike most of the academics and reporters we linked above, we’re going to use publicly available data, and show our work.

What if we told you that one ATF computer system logged, by serial number, 252,000,000 unique firearms, and represented only those firearms manufactured, imported or sold by a relatively small number of the nation’s tens of thousands of Federal Firearms Licensees?

One other way of looking at this would be to compare this to the recent polling data. If 48% or 120 Million people now have a gun in the house, how can it be that the 300 Million factoid remains the same?

As in every other endeavour, the national Socialist Left has to lie about their agenda and intentions. Their attempts at reaching their ultimate goal of confiscation are not different. They want people to believe that people are agreeing with them on the issue of ‘gun safety’. That one’s best means of protection is one not having a means of protection. That the buying back of something they never owned is somehow decreasing the number of guns and gun owners.

These are clearly lies of the part of the national Socialist Left, but that has never stopped them before.

So whenever the subject guns crops up, keep these facts in mind.


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