Charges of racism only work to silence people who aren’t racist

This is one of those profound statements that leaves one gobsmacked by it’s essential truth. It was originated by pundit and video raconteur Bill Whittle 5 years ago in a video segment on the Marxist shield of political correctness.   People who are truly racist do not care about that kind of accusation. An organisation such as the KKK that was “In effect, the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party”, Wouldn’t care about that kind of accusation, and in fact they are disturbingly proud that is their brand, their identity.
However, those who are the opposite of a racist, who the judge people by the content of their character rather than the colour of their skin, are horrified by such a charge and are usually silenced as a result. That is the desired effect in using such tactics, and it only has that result when used against those who are not guilty of the charge. So in light of today’s holiday, we should consider this profundity when discussing the tactic of word weaponization and the issue of racism.
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” Martin Luther King
As it typical of the Socialist-Left, they have an inferior national agenda that cannot compete in the marketplace of ideas. Therefore they need to have various techniques to ensure that Conservative concepts and ideas are not heard. These range from dominating the culture, media and government indoctrination system to tactics for shutting down opposing voices. Thus they label the free-speech of the voices as the ever undefined “hate-speech” or the arbitrarily deciding certain words are verboten for various reasons.
As already discussed, the biggest weapon their rhetorical arsenal is of course the hurling of the racism or racist charge. It doesn’t matter to them whether or not these charges racism are true or not, and in fact they are more effective if they aren’t.

  Originally published on the NOQ Report


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