Gun Confiscation Bingo

Hey boys and girls, it’s time to play the hottest new game for fun and fabulous prizes.* The lie from the Left has always been “We’re not talking about taking guns away from people”, while they talk about taking guns away from people.  So the trick now its to find one of them who HASN’T demanded gun confiscation by the process of elimination.

The rules are simple – List out the major media outlets of the socialist–Left around the nation in these categories:

  • National political figures of the socialist-left.
  • Major print outlets of the socialist-left.
  • Major media outlets of the socialist-left.
  • National media figures of the socialist left.
Then each player must search and find an instance of a gun confiscation demand by these media outlets or person of note. The two at the top of this piece from ABC news and the Boston Globe are freebies, and the odds are 5 minutes after this is published there will be many more.
Points will be awarded for the type of demand as well as completing a card in a particular category, so there are two ways to win – by points and by category. The one who completes all categories will win the grand prize!*

How Points are Awarded:

  • Five points for each instance of an outright demand for gun confiscation.
  • Four points for each instance of the demand for an offer gun owners can’t refuse‘Australian’ style gun confiscation.
  • Three points for each instance of a demand for the outright banning of guns.
  • Two points for each instance of a demand for the repeal of the 2nd amendment.
    Note: Only one point will be awarded for each instance of a demand for the banning or confiscation of ‘Assault Weapons’ since this happens so often it’s not even sporting to dig them up and there is no real definition of that term.
Bonus points will be awarded for cases of a Leftist media outlet detailing it’s plans to confiscate guns via Intergalactic Background Checks and registration. [Yes, they are out there – extra points for digging them up!]
In some cases we must restrict the total number of points available for certain national print outlets of the socialist-left [e.g. The New York times] given that those outlets come up with new ways of demanding gun confiscation almost on a weekly basis. Please note that with the progression of time, it will be that much easier to win the game – particularly after another “Serious Crisis” brought on be the Left’s insistence on indoctrination in the precepts of cultural Marxism.
So everyone grab your gun.. confiscation bingo cards and start playing, it’s fun for the whole family!
[*no prizes will be awarded – sorry].


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