Normalizing the Fascist Left

Sometimes the Nation’s Socialist media let’s the mask slip and in other cases, it drops it to the floor.   We are witness to the latter instance here.  Instead of properly condemning violent extremist groups of any stripe, the NSM has begun whitewashing the reputation of the Fascist ‘Antifa’, as well as doing the same for the immoral and parasitic collectivist ideologies.

 The ‘newspaper of record’ just published an opinion piece entitled: Who’s Afraid of Antifa?
Antifa is the backlash to the backlash, a defensive response to the growing presence of right-wing extremism.

But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t worry. Because antifa groups are willing to use force when needed, provoking them can trigger a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Who are the antifa, then? They do not advocate a positive doctrine, racial or otherwise. Some supporters consider themselves (as Mr. Trump accurately said) anarchists, some Marxists of different stripes; others don’t care much what you call them. There is no national antifa organization; most organized groups are local, concentrated in Texas and the Northwest. There’s not even a consensus among adherents as to whether to pronounce the term AN-tee-fah or an-TEE-fah.

Now, is it that advisable to have a major newspaper profiling and justifying the actions of violent groups such as this? The ‘News paper or record’ is not alone in this regard, others of the NSM such as CNN have made the absurd claim that it’s goals are "peace through violence."

Bear in mind that these are groups who are opening chanting "No Trump, no wall, no USA at all!"

Question: When have major Conservative newspaper and media outlets profiled and praised groups that fashion themselves after the National Socialist German Worker’s Party or any of affiliates thereof?


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