The Top 4 Reasons We Shouldn’t Sink To The Level Of The Socialist-Left

There was a report that a group of pro-Trump supporters shouted down a Leftist speaker at a college in California a few days ago. Many on the Right intrinsically understand this is wrong on multiple levels and the purpose here is to detail why we need to refrain from this abhorrent behavior.

1. When someone acts like a barbarian they become the a barbarian.

This is a bit of a cliché, but it does hold some wisdom. It is best to differentiate oneself from the other side and show our policies as superior in the marketplace of ideas. We certainly cannot condemn the Left for acting like children when our side engages in the same behaviour.

2. Using their ‘advantage’ against them.

There are certain martial arts disciplines that teach that one should use an opponent’s advantages against them. In the case of politics, ad hominem attacks and childish behaviour from the Left has become depressingly prevalent over the years Pointing out that these tactics signify a decided lack of intellectual acumen on their part takes this ‘advantage’ away for them. When their verbal assaults are met with superior concepts and facts they only have two options in response, they can either try to claw their way out of the gutter or continue as before.
We have the better ideas, so no matter which way they turn they lose the argument.

3. It is against our basic principles.

There is a basic litmus test that differentiates the agendas of the Left from those of the Right. The Left would prefer to have as much control over your life as possible, the Right eschews this principle. We on the Right would prefer to live our lives unmolested by government interference. This interference extends to that of free-speech.


DUMB: MAGA-Hatted Trump Supporters SHOUT DOWN Leftist Speaker At California College | Daily Wire few months back, alt-right and alt-lite snowflakes descended on a production of Julius Caesar in Central Park that depicted the eponymous assassinated dictator as Donald Trump; they proclaimed that such speech amounted to violence, and therefore had to be shut down. According to Reason: They had pledged to answer questions from the general public, but several irate MAGA-hat-wearing audience members were intent on hijacking the event from the get-go.
No, There’s No Excuse for ‘Conservative’ Shout-Downs | National Review answer to the shout-down is the rule of law. They’re not truly grieved in the least that he was shouted down. This is not the first time we’ve seen a wave of campus shout-downs (the shout-down was a common radical left tactic when I was in law school).
And the best reason…

4. Our ideas are superior.

In some ways it is fascinating to study the Left and glimpse into how they talk amongst themselves. There is a site that has advice and talking points by Leftist for their ideological brethren. While they label our ideas a ‘awful’ [and fail to specify why] they do talk about how popular those ideas are and justify why this is the case.
How to Talk About the Opposition
When you can help it, don’t say conservative. As the polls above demonstrate, conservative is no insult. The word and the concept are both quite popular. This is because, while conservative policies are awful, Americans overwhelmingly support stereotyped conservative principles—small government, low taxes, free markets, strong defense, traditional families. It is very clever framing. Who favors a bigger government than we need? Who wants to pay more taxes? Who can oppose freedom, an effective military, or families?

Final Thought

Always be principled in our demeanor and comportment – even the Left acknowledges amongst themselves that our ideas are better than theirs.

 Originally published on the NOQ Report


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