Change Is The Wrong Metric To Determine Right And Left

Back during the inception of the Republican party it’s raison d'être was the radical idea of the abolition of slavery while the Democratic party favoured appeasement on the issue. The Republicans were the party of change while Democrats were of the status quo. The Video posted below details these facts.

In this case the change metric would have incorrectly had the Republicans on the Left and the Democrats on the Right.

This example aptly illustrates that the Right – Left determination has to be based on the proper metric of government size and power, not change. This is the underlying metric of the dictionary definitions of the various ideological terms with change being hardly mentioned.

It would seem that the primary purpose of the change metric is a desperate attempt at the incorrect placing certain ideologies that are clearly Leftist somewhere else. It should be obvious that governmental size and power is the only metric that makes sense given the ideological makeup of the various parties. It should also be manifestly obvious that the authoritarian extremes are on the Left. No amount of definitional prestidigitation, relativism or historical revisionism can change these facts.
Video: Pin the Tale on the Donkey: Democrats' Horrible Racist Past | Bill Whittle

H/T PJ Media


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