
Showing posts from June, 2020

If COVID-19 is such a threat, why isn’t the mob-rule left shutting down its interminable rioting?

We’re being forced to wear placebo masks. The left is shutting down more of the economy again. Meanwhile, the true racists are still out on the streets rioting. Pandemic panic is back with a vengeance. After taking off some time during the first few weeks of June to let the Black Lives Matter riots dominate the news cycle, there was a sudden uptick in COVID cases a week or two afterwards. Somehow, the media doesn’t want to make that connection, so we will examine the trends and data on the issue. Oddly enough, the national socialist media is conveniently forgetting the mass gatherings of Black Lives Matter rioters, Pride month protesters, and assorted leftist grievance groups. The mass ‘protests’ that took place all over the country resulted from the outrageous choking death of George Floyd at the hands of a few rogue police officers. These were demonstrations that took a few days to spin up with the encouragement of the ever ‘unbiased’ media. They use any excuse they can conj

We Do Not Consent

[Please note that we are reprinting this Op-Ed in full with permission from the author.] The below is the Op-Ed that was accepted to USAToday on June 24. They deleted key phrases/paragraphs for their print paper and then they refused to print it at all online. It is clear to me as a physician-lawyer that the disinformation about both Covid-19 and the Constitution has caused us to turn a medical issue into a legal crisis. The scientific usefulness of a mask has been so aggressively overstated, and the foundational importance of the Constitution has been so aggressively understated, that we have normalized people screaming obscenities at each other while hiking. The Covid virus was supposed to be contained in the kind of lab where people wear astronaut suits and go through triple sealed doors. It is a con of massive proportion to assert that now, having escaped those environs, a bandanna will magically do the trick. After all, size matters The pore size of cloth face c

These are dangerous times. The left wants to force you to be silent. That is why you need to speak up.

A new video that emphasizes why everyone has to do what they can in the upcoming fight for the survival of liberty. The liberty-minded majority has to speak up for freedom or it will be silenced forever. That is not hyperbole.  Facebook  and the authoritarian left have become more blatant about silencing the pro-liberty right to the point of directly influencing the upcoming election. Fear is a control tactic while courage is contagious Katie makes the critical point that we need to step in and counter the efforts of those who would impose authoritarianism. While we don’t agree with every point she makes, she does emphasize that we need to leave the ad hominem attacks to the leftists. We are on the right side of history. The facts are on our side. If you can’t speak up donate to people or organizations that will. Don’t have money, donate your time, and most importantly vote. You were placed on this earth at this time to join the fight, not sit in a protective bubble.

Ami Horowitz proves that black lives don’t really matter to the left

Video proof that leftists care more about virtue signalling and exploiting chaos and crisis to gain power. In his latest work,  filmmaker Ami Horowitz  interviews two groups of people on the same topic – the ‘defunding’ of the police. The first is group is in leftist East Village, who voice vehement support for the idea. Expressing support because supposedly law enforcement is the biggest threat to certain groups. We know this is false because of the facts such as those in a Wall Street Journal editorial entitled:  No, Police Racism Isn’t an Epidemic . “The data don’t show racial bias in police use of deadly force. A few viral videos don’t prove otherwise.” He then journeys to Harlem to ask the opinions of some of its residents on the idea of abolishing the police. Spoiler alert, the second group is horrified of the idea of ridding the area of law enforcement. The second group clearly understands what is at stake. They know that a lack of law enforcement would mean th

It’s the insanity, stupid: Does anyone seriously think the people want what the left is selling?

We generally eschew pejoratives, but in this case, we’re making an exception to reprise the “It's the economy, stupid” quip from James Carville in making a point about the 2020 election. Recent days have seen Joe Biden’s polling ahead of President Trump coupled with the supposed rally debacle in Oklahoma. This is on top of the ongoing BLM riots and another leftist exploitation of other people’s pain for its political gain. The problem is, none of this matches up with reality. It’s almost as if what we’re seeing in the news and what we’re seeing in our own lives are in parallel universes. There are crossovers to be sure, with BLM riots in the news and the attempt by the left to still hobble the economy. The narrative from the national socialist media was that the Trump Tulsa Rally was a debacle, ironically because of foreign electoral interference. This was in the midst of us being bombarded on a daily basis with the  racism ‘crisis’  and pandemic panic. The fact is

Masking insanity: Pandemic panic and Black Lives Matter racism have finally become one story

In an obvious culmination of two parallel crises, the Chi-Com virus and racism, at last, have crossed paths. Lincoln County, Oregon, has finally made it obvious that Chi-Com masks are nothing but a form of subjugation and a reminder to remain afraid of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. As reported in  The Blaze , the country wants to close the barn door after the virus has escaped. “One Oregon county, apparently not content with the standard screaming matches over requiring face masks, decided to officially insert another divisive topic into the debate: race. Lincoln County, which is on Oregon’s north-central coastline, declared last week that everyone has to wear a mask — except non-white people who are nervous about being harassed because they’re wearing a face mask.” The county issued a  directive dated June 16  that provides for exceptions for children and people with health conditions or disabilities.  With one unusual exception: “People of color who have heightened concerns a

Are we allowed to ask if the lockdowns killed more people than COVID-19?

This is a vitally important question since it sets the course on where we go from here and what we do with similar situations in the future. Tucker Carlson opened his show on Thursday night with a 15-minute commentary that centred around setting the record straight on the response to the COVID-19 crisis. He started off showing how ‘our leaders’ set the groundwork for the deprivation of our essential human rights with fear. They used dire predictions of doom to soften opposition to the shredding of the Constitution. We now know that the dire predictions to sell us on ’ 15 Days to Slow the Spread ‘ were wrong. We also know that it didn’t work as advertised, with antibody studies showing that most infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus  were asymptomatic . We know of the  original source  of the ‘social distancing’ and shutdowns that are a part of  pandemic safety theater . This draconian assault on basic human rights was also the strategy employed by the Chinese Communist Party. Bir

The far-left hates liberty. There is no other way of saying that.

The authoritarian socialist left has gone insane revealing that it was never about ‘Black Lives Matter’ or racism. They hate the United States because we represent liberty and limited government. In a video sure to be banned by YouTube, video journalist Tim Pool made the very salient point that the insanity of the national socialist left is not about ‘Black Lives Matter’ or racism. They are just exploiting the issue to try and erase our history. This is a Cultural Revolution by the authoritarians to try and forcibly remake the country. The far-left hates the United States It should be obvious by now that this was never about racism or ‘Black Lives Matter’. As in other cases, this was a convenient starting off point. The Far-Left – or  Tyrannical Ten Percent  – is only a minority faction amplified in its size by the positions it holds in the media and cultural propaganda organs as well as the government indoctrination centers [schools]. They have to exploit a crisis in o

To the surprise of no one, criminals across the country are exploiting the chaos to steal guns

In an epic failure of liberty control, the current chaos is giving thieves a perfect opportunity to try and steal some guns. Criminals across the country have been trying to take advantage of the chaos to burglarise gun stores, attempting to break into the shops and steal what they can. This while law enforcement has been busy with the protests and looting that broke out everywhere. Some have noted a decided increase in this type of crime, with the thieves only meeting partial success. Word has it that the ATF has complimented some stores for their security measures that prevented loss of inventory to the miscreants. If anything, this should show that  liberty control  is a fool’s errand since criminals will always find a way to obtain guns. The end result of these policies is that the innocent and even law enforcement are then at the mercy of the worst of society. Alabama June 2, 2020 Pleasant Grove police investigating smash-and-grab gun store burglary involving at l