If COVID-19 is such a threat, why isn’t the mob-rule left shutting down its interminable rioting?

We’re being forced to wear placebo masks. The left is shutting down more of the economy again. Meanwhile, the true racists are still out on the streets rioting.

Pandemic panic is back with a vengeance. After taking off some time during the first few weeks of June to let the Black Lives Matter riots dominate the news cycle, there was a sudden uptick in COVID cases a week or two afterwards. Somehow, the media doesn’t want to make that connection, so we will examine the trends and data on the issue.
Oddly enough, the national socialist media is conveniently forgetting the mass gatherings of Black Lives Matter rioters, Pride month protesters, and assorted leftist grievance groups.
The mass ‘protests’ that took place all over the country resulted from the outrageous choking death of George Floyd at the hands of a few rogue police officers. These were demonstrations that took a few days to spin up with the encouragement of the ever ‘unbiased’ media. They use any excuse they can conjure up to break into the cycle, except for the connection to COVID-19.

Making the case by examining the data state by state

The Johns Hopkins Coronavirus resource center of Johns Hopkins University has a very useful Timeline of COVID-19 policies, cases, and deaths. It is good for looking back at the major events in each state overlaid with the data along with 7-day moving averages for new confirmed cases and new deaths.
This can reveal some rather interesting trends in the states experiencing an uptick in new cases, such as Arizona. Nevada’s began in the first week of June. This occurred roughly a month after the states began their reopening.
In other states, that have already experienced the worst of the pandemic such as New York. Herd immunity seems to have quelled any new outbreaks. Some states such as Colorado and Pennsylvania had a downward trend in new confirmed cases in May, with a decided uptick well into the month of June.
Oddly enough, the new case count and death rates generally don’t correlate with each other, except for the state of Virginia. The 7-day moving averages for new confirmed cases in some states are trending up. The 7-day moving averages for new deaths are drastically trending downward.
But one major set of events are missing from these timelines – that would be the death of George Floyd and the ‘peaceful protests’, rioting, looting, and public property destruction that ramped up in the first weeks of June.

No one wants to state the obvious: Leftist rioting caused the uptick in COVID-19 cases

It’s a fair wager that George Orwell would have been proud of the efforts of the national socialist media. It’s trying to sell the bovine excreta that the COVID-19 uptick of the end of June was caused by the re-openings. Those essentially took place a month earlier, at the end of May.
To quote the CDC on the average Incubation period for COVID-19:
“The incubation period for COVID-19 is thought to extend to 14 days, with a median time of 4-5 days from exposure to symptoms onset. One study reported that 97.5% of persons with COVID-19 who develop symptoms will do so within 11.5 days of SARS-CoV-2 infection.”
For the most part, states began reopening in the last weeks of April into the first weeks of May. Given the average incubation period, we should have seen a spike in COVID-19 infections from the first two weeks of May. The data doesn’t really bear this out.
Curiously enough, the uptick in new confirmed cases in the states experiencing this phenomenon took place in the second week of June extending into the 3rd or 4th weeks, indicating that these infections were from the end of May and the first week of June. This corresponds with the beginnings of the leftist riots around the country.

The trends in new cases point to the Black Lives Matter Riots

It is also noted that these are increases in new confirmed case count, not in new deaths. Increased testing around the country could account for this discrepancy as well as calming pandemic panic.
The overall trends point to the Black Lives Riots and other leftist extracurricular activities as the cause of the uptick. But fear is causing many to remain silent on this matter. Never the less, this has to be pointed out. We are rapidly moving towards a two-tiered justice system. A double standard of this magnitude will only serve to divide the country even more.

Facemasks either work or they don’t – pandemic safety theater only damages our rights

As is their usual modus operandi, the left has weaponised these two issues. Take note that pushing ‘protests’ and avoiding their super spreader results plays right into their hands.
Leftists like to pretend that a placebo mask will keep everyone safe. The problem for the left is that they can’t have it both ways on the issue. If they work, there was no reason for the lock-downs or any new attempts at that scam. If they don’t, there is no reason to force them on the people. Waffling between the two means the worst of both worlds.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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