Are we allowed to ask if the lockdowns killed more people than COVID-19?

This is a vitally important question since it sets the course on where we go from here and what we do with similar situations in the future.

Tucker Carlson opened his show on Thursday night with a 15-minute commentary that centred around setting the record straight on the response to the COVID-19 crisis. He started off showing how ‘our leaders’ set the groundwork for the deprivation of our essential human rights with fear. They used dire predictions of doom to soften opposition to the shredding of the Constitution.
We now know that the dire predictions to sell us on ’15 Days to Slow the Spread‘ were wrong. We also know that it didn’t work as advertised, with antibody studies showing that most infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus were asymptomatic.
We know of the original source of the ‘social distancing’ and shutdowns that are a part of pandemic safety theater. This draconian assault on basic human rights was also the strategy employed by the Chinese Communist Party. Birds of a collectivist feather tend to flock together. We were also told we could trust the Chinese, even though they have never shown themselves to be trustworthy.
Those who cautioned a different course have been silenced, replaced with voices who parrot the phrase “The truth is, we have no choice.” It’s something we always need to guard against. Recent indications are that those who pushed the ‘we have no choice narrative’ were wrong. Confirmed by the announcement from Gov. Andrew Cuomo shows that 66% of new admissions were from people who had largely been sheltering at home.
In the accompanying editorial to the commentary, Mr. Tucker makes the important point that we should have known how quarantines worked before imposing them and hobbling the economy. Along with the critical question on whether the cure was far worse than the disease.
There is, as of now, precisely no evidence that the lockdowns in America saved lives anywhere. In fact, it’s possible that mass quarantines killed people.
Researchers at JPMorgan compared the coronavirus infection rates of all 50 U.S. states and many European countries before and after the mass quarantines. Overall, ending the lockdowns was associated with a slower spread of the virus.
Did you hear that? Ending the lockdowns slowed the spread of the virus or was associated with a slower spread. Amazing. For some reason, that study has not received a lot of attention. Maybe you shouldn’t be surprised by that.
Leftists supposedly care about the people while they assume the mantle of being paragons of scientific thought. The evidence coming forth shows that both of those assertions are wrong. Perhaps that is why they are working against the cause of liberty and free speech.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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