Masking insanity: Pandemic panic and Black Lives Matter racism have finally become one story

In an obvious culmination of two parallel crises, the Chi-Com virus and racism, at last, have crossed paths.

Lincoln County, Oregon, has finally made it obvious that Chi-Com masks are nothing but a form of subjugation and a reminder to remain afraid of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. As reported in The Blaze, the country wants to close the barn door after the virus has escaped.
“One Oregon county, apparently not content with the standard screaming matches over requiring face masks, decided to officially insert another divisive topic into the debate: race.
Lincoln County, which is on Oregon’s north-central coastline, declared last week that everyone has to wear a mask — except non-white people who are nervous about being harassed because they’re wearing a face mask.”
The county issued a directive dated June 16 that provides for exceptions for children and people with health conditions or disabilities.  With one unusual exception:
“People of color who have heightened concerns about racial profiling and harassment due to wearing face coverings in public.”

The left divides everyone by skin color – while projecting that on the Right.

Their research on this issue makes it clear that in retrospect, this was going to be the final result. Indications from the nation’s socialist left have always been.  That the left wanted to use the Chi-Com virus and racism as a wedge issue.
They cited a CNN story from the beginning of April on the mask issue. This featured a twitter dialog with someone expressing concerns over wearing ‘home-made’ masks.  Accompanied with a response from the editor of the Boston Globe editorial page on writing an essay/oped about this.
All of this is in the context of the reports of the effects of the virus having a disparity amongst certain people, along with the nation’s socialist left turning a serious crisis into a divisive issue as is their usual tactics. Never mind that some want to push things even further in our subjugation: You’re getting used to masks. Will you wear a face shield?
Masks are generally for the protection of the public, not for the wearer.  One can easily guess where this is going. Failing to be subjugated in this way will be transformed into a racial issue.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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