The far-left hates liberty. There is no other way of saying that.

The authoritarian socialist left has gone insane revealing that it was never about ‘Black Lives Matter’ or racism. They hate the United States because we represent liberty and limited government.

In a video sure to be banned by YouTube, video journalist Tim Pool made the very salient point that the insanity of the national socialist left is not about ‘Black Lives Matter’ or racism. They are just exploiting the issue to try and erase our history. This is a Cultural Revolution by the authoritarians to try and forcibly remake the country.

The far-left hates the United States

It should be obvious by now that this was never about racism or ‘Black Lives Matter’. As in other cases, this was a convenient starting off point. The Far-Left – or Tyrannical Ten Percent – is only a minority faction amplified in its size by the positions it holds in the media and cultural propaganda organs as well as the government indoctrination centers [schools].
They have to exploit a crisis in order to force their ideological wishes on everyone else. In most cases, there will be a small cadre of instigators that inflame others to action, such as the case the video cites in which protesters tear down statues of Union general Ulysses S. Grant, national anthem lyricist Francis Scott Key.
These actions make no sense in the context of an alleged fight against racism. But they make perfect sense when considered in the destruction of our shared history. While it may appear to be the actions of mobs spinning out of control, their planned nature belies a hidden agenda, one of hatred towards the country and its foundation precepts.
It should be clear by now that the left hates the country and the ideas on which it is based. Those are imbued in the founding documents. The problem for the authoritarians is that they can’t go directly to burning books and shredding the founding documents.
As they have done in other instances, they begin with the most negative example they can find and then slippery slope their way into destroying their true target. It doesn’t matter to them that they are going after fellow democrats or that their belief system makes no sense.
“To do evil a human being must, first of all, believe that what he’s doing is good” Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

The far-left hates what America stands for – liberty and limited government

In the video, Mr. Pool relates a story that shows that the far-left lunatics have a tendency to use people, labels, and ideas to get what they really want: Power.
They are people with an organization named, ‘By Any Means Necessary (BAMN)’. They are convinced of their own goodness that they have no compunction about their ‘diversity of tactics’.
While they won’t admit the truth—even to themselves—their fascistic tactics are antithetical to limited government and the cause of liberty itself. They are willing to use any and all means to our end, meaning that that despite their false fronts, the far-left hates what our country stands for: liberty and limited government.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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