These are dangerous times. The left wants to force you to be silent. That is why you need to speak up.

A new video that emphasizes why everyone has to do what they can in the upcoming fight for the survival of liberty.

The liberty-minded majority has to speak up for freedom or it will be silenced forever. That is not hyperbole. Facebook and the authoritarian left have become more blatant about silencing the pro-liberty right to the point of directly influencing the upcoming election.

Fear is a control tactic while courage is contagious

Katie makes the critical point that we need to step in and counter the efforts of those who would impose authoritarianism. While we don’t agree with every point she makes, she does emphasize that we need to leave the ad hominem attacks to the leftists. We are on the right side of history. The facts are on our side.
If you can’t speak up donate to people or organizations that will. Don’t have money, donate your time, and most importantly vote. You were placed on this earth at this time to join the fight, not sit in a protective bubble.

The tyrannical ten percent has to use force because they cannot persuade

Were the tyrannical ten percent a greater portion of the population instead of 8 – 10%, they would have no need to exploit intimidation tactics. They could just gather their collectivists’ cadre and vote. They don’t have the numbers to do this, so they have to even the odds with cancel culture, censorship, and coercion.
While the national socialist left loves to lie with labeling, it’s never so egregious when they claim to be fighting ‘fascism’ when they themselves are using the tactics of this evil, collectivist ideology. They attack certain people to make an example of them to try and silence everyone else. Everyone standing up for liberty will show them that they cannot intimidate themselves into power.
“There are only two means by which men can deal with one another: guns or logic. Force or persuasion. Those who know that they cannot win by means of logic, have always resorted to guns.” Ayn Rand
There are only two ways of societal interaction: Force or persuasion. The fact is the far-left tyrannical ten percent doesn’t have the numbers or logic to persuade the liberty-minded majority so they have to resort to force.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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