It’s the insanity, stupid: Does anyone seriously think the people want what the left is selling?

We generally eschew pejoratives, but in this case, we’re making an exception to reprise the “It's the economy, stupid” quip from James Carville in making a point about the 2020 election.

Recent days have seen Joe Biden’s polling ahead of President Trump coupled with the supposed rally debacle in Oklahoma. This is on top of the ongoing BLM riots and another leftist exploitation of other people’s pain for its political gain.
The problem is, none of this matches up with reality. It’s almost as if what we’re seeing in the news and what we’re seeing in our own lives are in parallel universes. There are crossovers to be sure, with BLM riots in the news and the attempt by the left to still hobble the economy.
The narrative from the national socialist media was that the Trump Tulsa Rally was a debacle, ironically because of foreign electoral interference. This was in the midst of us being bombarded on a daily basis with the racism ‘crisis’ and pandemic panic.
Meanwhile, leftist cancel culture still stalks the night instilling fear in anyone who dares challenge the fascism of the ‘social justice warriors’. The facts contradict the media narrative. That is why they are held in little regard. This makes it hard to accept the idea that the people want more of this. Consider just some of the leftist insanity.

Leftist insanity: Releasing criminals, defunding the police and confiscating guns

We certainly can’t reprise all of the insanity of the left. The people who used to at least pretend they cared about liberty have lost the plot. We’re citing these 3 contradictory items of the left to prove a point.
No one outside the tyrannical ten percent would consider these three things as viable actions in a sane world, and yet those people are pushing them as though they make perfect sense. They of course rationalize all three in their interminable contradictory logic. But their insanity is revealed when considered together.
The problem for them is that the people don’t see their vision of a Utopian future where unicorns produce gold plated droppings whilst they leap over rainbows. This is borne out by the aforementioned ratings or the record breaking gun sales on top of record breaking gun sales.
No sane person outside of the tyrannical ten percent considers those items as being level headed or even with the realm of rationale reality, so why is the left pushing them?
  • Do they really think the people want their cities burned, cultural landmarks desecrated and destroyed?
  • Do they really think the people want criminals out on the street without any police?
  • Do they really think the people want their wealth redistributed?
  • Do they really think the people want their guns confiscated?
Does any of that make sense outside the leftist echo chamber?

The left has silenced their opposing voices – that lack of limitation is why they are going insane

The problem for the national socialist left is that they remain set in an echo chamber of their own making. They’ve shouted and shutdown opposing voices to the point that they only hear their contradictory ideas and narratives.
They don’t realize that that they’ve lost the plot because they are in a leftist collective with one voice. For them, there is no marketplace of ideas. They’ve cornered it with one set of thoughts. The marketplace of ideas has a limiting effect on insanity. They’ve removed these limitations.
The problem for the left is that they will have a hard time convincing those outside their echo chamber that their contradictory ideas make sense or even have a toehold on sanity.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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