
Showing posts from March, 2020

You heard it here first: Hydroxychloroquine causes insanity in leftists

Why is the national socialist media losing it’s collective mind over a possible cure for the ChiComVirus?Now that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued a limited emergency-use authorization for two antimalarial drugs   to treat those infected with the novel coronavirus , everyone is bracing for the inevitable conniption fit from our betters on the authoritarian left. Perhaps there isn’t a direct causality. We could attribute the malady to the chronic condition know as Trump Derangement Syndrome, triggered by exposure to the news of Hydroxychloroquine. Of course, on a more serious note, this is an important issue in determining the priorities of the left. It does beg the question as to whether they are more interested in saving lives or denigrating President Trump. The video delves into these issues as well as those of fake news. It also makes the point that healthcare is not a human right because of the issue of scarcity. There is only a finite amount of labor fr

ChiComVirus: How many deaths are acceptable to the media in pushing their leftist agenda?

Why is the national socialist media suppressing news of a possible cure to COVID-19? Last night, Tucker Carlson asked the very pointed question: Why are media pundits trying to discredit hydroxychloroquine? Why are they trying to discredit a possible life saving cure to COVID-19? Many would point to the fact that it was touted by President Trump and that they would accept anything other than a positive development being credited to him. But it’s worse than that. The bloated stimulus bill that was quickly ‘Rahmed’ through, shows that their socialist national agenda is more important than saving lives. There have been some very positive results with the drug combination of  hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin,  as well as some anecdotal cases. Given the dire situation of the world at the moment and the rising death toll, a  potentially life saving cure  would seem to be just what the doctor ordered. In fact that is the situation at present, the New York Times reports that 

The ChiComVirus: Bringing out the worst of the authoritarian left

The political Left and the media tend to favour control over liberty and lies over the truth, with it becoming more pronounced in the COVID-19 pandemic. Global crises tend to either bring out the best in people or the worst, depending on their proclivities during normal times. The  political right  tends to favor individual rights and liberty, hence the term pro-liberty right. The  political left  tends to favor collective ‘rights’ and control, hence the term authoritarian left. For now, we’ll set aside the usual point that the political left falsely labeling themselves as being liberal is one of their biggest lies in order to focus on the larger picture as well as some new lies they keep conjuring up in covering the ChiComVirus pandemic. Why we call it the ChiComVirus At present, the authoritarian left in the states and the mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party are speaking in one voice, trying to blame this on someone else when it should be clear that the bureaucra

Trump has been proven right while the left keeps on lying. Why are we even listening to them?

The left lied when they told us we don’t need an AR-15, they lied when they told us we don’t need an N95 mask, why are we listening to them anymore? It should be obvious by now that the left doesn’t have our best interests at heart. This recent video from Tim Pool points out the ways the left has been wrong on almost every issue, the ChiComVirus [COVID-19] crisis being the most recent. “To do evil a human being must first of all believe that what he’s doing is good” Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn There was a time when the media and the authoritarian left [but we repeat ourselves] really cared about their integrity. Those times are long past; their control agenda is far more important to their adherence to the truth. They keep on lecturing us from on high that  we don’t need a gun to defend ourselves . They lectured us that  we don’t need to buy N95 masks . Both propositions have been  proven   wrong . But they still expect us to believe them because of their  ‘good intentions’ .

So it begins: The Governor of New Jersey has shut down the NICS System

The citizens of New Jersey are now subjects with the cutting off of the Second amendment. New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy has effectively cut off access to the unalienable human right of self preservation by shutting down the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). The message on the portal for the  New Jersey National Instant Criminal Background Check System  reads in part: “On Saturday March 21, 2020, Governor Phil Murphy announced he is putting New Jersey in lockdown to combat the spread of coronavirus. Per Executive Order 107, he is ordering the residents of New Jersey to stay home, directing all non-essential retail businesses closed to the public. At this time, the order includes New Jersey Firearms State Licensed Dealers. The New Jersey State Police NICS Unit is directing the vendor of the NICS Online Application (NICUSA)  to turn off the NICS Online Services  for submitting NICS transactions by eliminating the “Request Form” button, effective 9:00pm ES

Good news: Higher-than-normal temperatures that cut down the spread of COVID-19 are imminent

In a forecast that "may be a first", Higher-than-normal temperatures forecast for much of the U.S. during the next three months. AccuWeather is forecasting  ‘higher-than-normal temperatures’  for the next 3 months after historically higher than normal temperatures this past winter. It was also reported that  High Temperature and High Humidity Reduce the Transmission of COVID-19  in a paper posted on March 10, 2020 and revised on March 19 2020. This conclusion seems to be bolstered by the map of the COVID-19 Global Cases from the  Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center  that shows decidedly fewer cases in the Southern Hemisphere than the Northern Hemisphere. This conclusion is bolstered by another study that interpreted the data that: The distribution of significant community outbreaks along restricted latitude, temperature, and humidity are  consistent with the behavior of a seasonal respiratory virus. First the good news The abstract of the paper summarized the

The media’s ridicule of prepping has now put people in danger from COVID-19

It’s common sense to be prepared for emergencies, but the media ridiculed the practice and now many will die because they weren’t ready for times of trouble. [Note: YouTube has decided to restrict this video for some reason – you have to sign in to view it] People are in a panic over the COVID-19 pandemic, endangering themselves in having to run out  to crowded stores  for supplies.  This is the exact opposite of what they should have done.  The media is culpable in  discouraging the practice of prepping  over the years  setting up this dire situation . The national media has conveniently forgotten that they have  made fun  of preppers over the years. They have done a 180° on prepping, pretending that they’ve always recommended that everyone be ready for emergencies, but purposefully leaving out an important part of prepping. Ridiculing those getting ready for a global pandemic. The video is a  short segment from  the infamous series  Doomsday Preppers  that ran on the

True liberals are leaving the left. It’s time to welcome them to the side conserving liberty.

Many are politically homeless because they don’t see anyone standing on principle, we of the pro-liberty right need fill that void. The authoritarian left is at war with itself these days, going in many different directions in an orgy of self-destruction. It has run out of new ideas, trying to sell that which can be traced to  ancient Greece . Control is the only guiding principle for the left these days. Some are wanting to rip apart the economy because it’s unfair or simply because they want to use varying crises to control others merely for the sake of controlling others. Their desire for control is the only common principle they have left, the only thing that binds them together. “Political tags – such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth – are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire.” Robert A. Heinlein While they go by va