The ChiComVirus: Bringing out the worst of the authoritarian left

The political Left and the media tend to favour control over liberty and lies over the truth, with it becoming more pronounced in the COVID-19 pandemic.

The ChiComVirus: Bringing out the worst of the authoritarian left

Global crises tend to either bring out the best in people or the worst, depending on their proclivities during normal times. The political right tends to favor individual rights and liberty, hence the term pro-liberty right. The political left tends to favor collective ‘rights’ and control, hence the term authoritarian left.
For now, we’ll set aside the usual point that the political left falsely labeling themselves as being liberal is one of their biggest lies in order to focus on the larger picture as well as some new lies they keep conjuring up in covering the ChiComVirus pandemic.

Why we call it the ChiComVirus

At present, the authoritarian left in the states and the mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party are speaking in one voice, trying to blame this on someone else when it should be clear that the bureaucratic nature of big government is at fault here.
National Review detailed the missteps and outright lies promulgated by the CCP at the outbreak of this disease. Suffice it to say, while governments based on economic freedom are not perfect, the top down command and control nature of the regime of socialism with Chinese characteristics had them hide the problem instead of taking steps to contain the outbreak. Whether this was deliberate or accidental doesn’t really matter right now.
Had this taken place in the West, the whistleblower would have been praised instead of imprisoned and the current steps being taken would have been put in place, containing the problem.
Instead, we had a bloated government trying to protect itself while endangering the people. They didn’t take action until it was too late, then went overboard with draconian measures.
There is a reason the CCP and the authoritarian left are so exercised over this issue. They want to deflect the blame from their cherished ideology to have it settle elsewhere. That is why we call it the ChiComVirus as they are doing on The Liberty Daily. It places the blame directly on the cause of the crisis and no, communism isn’t a race.

The left’s quandary of worshiping control while Trump is in charge

Over on Blue Collar Logic, a recent posting and video noted that this situation makes a very important point about our current situation given that it places the left in an untenable quandary. Their secular religion of authoritarianism has them worship the false god of government while they have to deal with President Trump as the head of that government.
They have always looked to the government as the solution to every problem and the means to control others. So while they desperately want the government to have more control over everyone, that control would end up in the hands of president Trump.
Perhaps this explains why they have emphasized state level control over the past few years and especially now with this crisis, pushing Governor Andrew M. Cuomo as a de facto opposition leader and potential Democratic party nominee.

Never let a serious crisis go to waste

This is epitomized by the coronavirus bailout bill that could just be the beginning of our problems. An editorial in USA Today was blatant on the issue: Democrats, please don’t waste the coronavirus crisis. Hold out for what Americans need.  In addition to this a Democratic representative told colleagues the coronavirus bill Is ‘Tremendous Opportunity to Restructure Things to Fit Our Vision’.  But they are going to experience a backlash come November.
Then of course, there are all the localities that are using this crisis as an excuse to deprive the people of their unalienable human rights while thousands of inmates released are released from jail:

Leave it to the left to still lie about Trump

This may seem to be old news, but the national socialist media is taking things up another notch. It’s not just the repetition of the story blaming President Trump for a couple in Arizona ingesting fish tank cleaner instead of talking about how Over 65 Doctors, Medical Professionals And Scientists Call For Government To Use Hydroxychloroquine To Fight Coronavirus. They are coming up with fake headlines:
Crisis such the ChiComVirus tend to emphasize certain personality traits, bringing out the best in some and the bad in others. It’s unfortunate that we may see this going from bad to worse with Bernie Sanders staying in the race in hopes of taking advantage of the weakness of former Vice President Joe Biden.
Hopefully everyone is seeing the authoritarian left for what they truly are and leave the party and reject their socialist national agenda. The deadly virus of collectivism is far worse than any disease.
Image courtesy of the Patriot Post
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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