Trump has been proven right while the left keeps on lying. Why are we even listening to them?

The left lied when they told us we don’t need an AR-15, they lied when they told us we don’t need an N95 mask, why are we listening to them anymore?

It should be obvious by now that the left doesn’t have our best interests at heart. This recent video from Tim Pool points out the ways the left has been wrong on almost every issue, the ChiComVirus [COVID-19] crisis being the most recent.
“To do evil a human being must first of all believe that what he’s doing is good” Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
There was a time when the media and the authoritarian left [but we repeat ourselves] really cared about their integrity. Those times are long past; their control agenda is far more important to their adherence to the truth.
They keep on lecturing us from on high that we don’t need a gun to defend ourselves. They lectured us that we don’t need to buy N95 masks. Both propositions have been proven wrong. But they still expect us to believe them because of their ‘good intentions’.
It should also be obvious that border security and the ‘existential’ threat from China are very real issues. Meanwhile, they lecture us on irrelevant issues such as the naming of the pandemic.
As the video points out, when this crisis was brewing in China, the left was obsessed with impeachment. This was but a ‘Hail Mary’ play on their part because they couldn’t gain any traction trying to recycle their ancient ideas of collectivism.
Now that the disease has reached our shores, the national socialist left has taken the approach of attacking the President no matter what he does. It’s either too little or too much for the left – depending on the day or even the hour.
Now is not the time for the left to exploit a serious crisis, now is the time to come together and ignore the totalitarian ten percent.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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