The media’s ridicule of prepping has now put people in danger from COVID-19

It’s common sense to be prepared for emergencies, but the media ridiculed the practice and now many will die because they weren’t ready for times of trouble.

[Note: YouTube has decided to restrict this video for some reason – you have to sign in to view it]
People are in a panic over the COVID-19 pandemic, endangering themselves in having to run out to crowded stores for supplies. This is the exact opposite of what they should have done. The media is culpable in discouraging the practice of prepping over the years setting up this dire situation.
The national media has conveniently forgotten that they have made fun of preppers over the years. They have done a 180° on prepping, pretending that they’ve always recommended that everyone be ready for emergencies, but purposefully leaving out an important part of prepping.

Ridiculing those getting ready for a global pandemic.

The video is a short segment from the infamous series Doomsday Preppers that ran on the National Geographic Channel a few years ago that epitomized the media making fun of preppers. While it did provide some information and showcase certain practices, its tone and underlying theme were disdainful of those taking common sense precautions against emergencies.
While this was from 2012, the preparations and concerns expressed by the subject of the clip show quite a bit of prescience on her part. Even the graphic showing the spread of the disease originating in China is almost eerie in light of current events.
She now looks like a genius, like many others in the prepping community getting ready for what is happening now. But if it hadn’t been played for laughs, people would have stocked up on basic supplies as recommended.

People endangering themselves in a pandemic panic.

The same scenarios are being played out all over the country and the world. Those who were caught unprepared are crowding into stores, desperately looking for basic supplies:
LONE TREE, Colo. (KDVR) — Some people are spending more than an hour in line at the Costco in Lone Tree after a surge of shoppers flooded the store on Thursday.
The lines are a direct result of concerns over the coronavirus.

“The line is going all the way back to the dairy department. This is the craziest thing I’ve ever seen!” Laurie Hugos, another shopper said.
People are clogging stores, desperately trying to get basic supplies and effectively gathering in groups: The perfect breeding ground for diseases like COVID-19. If the media hadn’t discouraged the practice, there would be no need to clog stores looking for supplies that won’t be there.
Consider these two scenarios:
  • Everyone is imbued with the basic precepts of preparedness. Since they already have their supplies there is no need to run out in an emergency and make the situation worse.
  • Because of the media’s incessant ridicule of preppers, hardly anyone is ready during an emergency. They have to rush out to the shops crowded with other people, desperately trying to obtain supplies.
Obviously, the evidence shows that we’re in the second situation. All because the media wanted to have some fun with people who are only being practical. Their underlying political agenda was far more important than saving lives.

The bottom line: The national socialist media made it worse for their crass political gain

Part of the whole point of prepping is that having the proper supplies means you don’t have to run out like everyone else, trying to get what you need during an emergency. At this point in time, it’s too late because far too many are doing the same thing at the same time. Even worse, there are the people trying to take advantage of the situation, emptying the shops of critical supplies.
Everyone taking common sense actions to be ready in case of an emergency could have avoided all of this. This was detailed here, and there are many other sources on ways to do this. We’re going to survive this crisis. The key is to learn from it and refuse to listen to those who don’t have our best interests at heart.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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