True liberals are leaving the left. It’s time to welcome them to the side conserving liberty.

Many are politically homeless because they don’t see anyone standing on principle, we of the pro-liberty right need fill that void.

The authoritarian left is at war with itself these days, going in many different directions in an orgy of self-destruction. It has run out of new ideas, trying to sell that which can be traced to ancient Greece.
Control is the only guiding principle for the left these days. Some are wanting to rip apart the economy because it’s unfair or simply because they want to use varying crises to control others merely for the sake of controlling others. Their desire for control is the only common principle they have left, the only thing that binds them together.
“Political tags – such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth – are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire.” Robert A. Heinlein
While they go by varying labels, they are still on the “want people to be controlled” side of the political spectrum. Those who are on the side of liberty are beginning to take notice of this disturbing trend. Every ‘serious crisis’—global cooling, the non-existent gun violence epidemic and now the COVID-19 crisis—are incessantly exploited by the authoritarian left to empower themselves, never mind if it will actually do anything to solve the crisis.
The left values political power above everything else. The problem for them is that many are taking notice that their control obsession is antithetical to the cause of liberty. After all, these people still claim to be rooted in freedom, falsely implying with their exploitation of the term ‘liberal’.
“The champions of socialism call themselves progressives, but they recommend a system which is characterized by rigid observance of routine and by a resistance to every kind of improvement.
They call themselves liberals, but they are intent upon abolishing liberty.
They call themselves democrats, but they yearn for dictatorship.
They call themselves revolutionaries, but they want to make the government omnipotent.
They promise the blessings of the Garden of Eden, but they plan to transform the world into a gigantic post office. Every man but one a subordinate clerk in a bureau. What an alluring utopia! What a noble cause to fight!”
Ludwig von Mises
[Emphasise added]

True liberals are leaving the authoritarian left in droves

We are witnessing a movement in real time of people who used to consider themselves to be part of the left leaving it and becoming politically homeless. They have varying reasons for this, but it’s primarily because the authoritarian left has lost the plot.
Many in the #WalkAway movement leaving the left find themselves politically homeless because they don’t see our side as any better. Focusing on pragmatic populism only works for a little while, then many start questioning where we are going. This is why we need to have a set of bedrock principles for ourselves and in contrast to the other side that merely craves power over the people.
This is exemplified by the case of Dr. Karlyn Borysenko who became an accidental political commentator who first became prominent in going to a rally for President Trump and writing about in medium.
She penned another article: This liberal went to CPAC. And it was nothing like I expected. As well as broadcasting a Live Stream: Why I became a Democrat and what ultimately made me walk away. While she still holds many views in disagreement with the pro-liberty right, she characterizes herself as a ‘classic liberal’ like many who have walked away from the authoritarian left.

Welcoming those who are leaving the authoritarian left

The main point in all of this is to contrast ourselves with the authoritarian left by standing up for the cause of liberty. There are many like ‘classic liberal’ Dave Rubin who used to consider themselves part of the far-left. Now many are leaving and they are politically homeless because we have failed to articulate a message of liberty and limited government.
This is why we of the pro-liberty right have to articulate a set of principles based in conservation of liberty, individual rights and economic freedom. That is not to say give up on some of our core beliefs just for the sake of having a ‘big tent’ but one of having a clear set of beliefs that are in common with true liberals.
This is a case of being forthright in what we believe and letting the chips fall where they may. Perhaps many of these politically homeless will join our ranks. Still others may form their own group that is on the pro-liberty side of the political spectrum and we can have respectful debate on a few of the issues on which we disagree.
The point is to offer those leaving the left with a clear choice in the matter. During the Steve Deace interview on the Glenn Beck program, he made the point that at present we offer only ‘goulash’ while the authoritarian left is offering steak. Howbeit, this is steak paid for with other people’s money taken by force and it is just the mere promise of steak. Given a choice, many will accept bad principles for no principles at all.
This is why we need to have a common set of principles, set in liberty and limited government instead of control and unlimited government. For far too long the left has been able to deceive many under the pretense being liberal or progressive, it’s time to show who they are and offer a home to those who do not share their authoritarian principles.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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