ChiComVirus: How many deaths are acceptable to the media in pushing their leftist agenda?

Why is the national socialist media suppressing news of a possible cure to COVID-19?

Last night, Tucker Carlson asked the very pointed question: Why are media pundits trying to discredit hydroxychloroquine? Why are they trying to discredit a possible life saving cure to COVID-19?
Many would point to the fact that it was touted by President Trump and that they would accept anything other than a positive development being credited to him. But it’s worse than that. The bloated stimulus bill that was quickly ‘Rahmed’ through, shows that their socialist national agenda is more important than saving lives.
There have been some very positive results with the drug combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin, as well as some anecdotal cases. Given the dire situation of the world at the moment and the rising death toll, a potentially life saving cure would seem to be just what the doctor ordered.
In fact that is the situation at present, the New York Times reports that some doctors are stockpiling the trial coronavirus drugs, for themselves. The Daily Wire reported that Over 65 Doctors, Medical Professionals And Scientists Call For Government To Use Hydroxychloroquine To Fight Coronavirus.
The leftist media could have focused on the positive results, instead of a story that falsely blamed the president that didn’t involve those drugs. Even worse, they are trying to actively downplay its curative effects.

Why is the authoritarian left trying to maintain the crisis atmosphere?

The ideology of the left is based in control and coercion. In a nutshell, it’s one of taking other people’s money to buy votes. The problem for them is that as Margaret Thatcher stated, eventually they run out of other people’s money.
The left has always had to exploit crisis to further their agenda. The Bolshevik revolution sparked by WWI. Repression in Nazi Germany from the Reichstag fire. Ever increasing controls on liberty because of mass murder tragedy. This time around is no different. They can’t push through their agenda during normal times, so they have to do so during a crisis.
They only have one goal and that is power. For them the ends justifies the means. If that entails keeping the country closed for weeks or months on end to bring down the economy, they are perfectly willing to do so. If the ensuing destruction hurts millions of people, that is the price they are willing to pay as long as it’s other people being hurt.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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