
Showing posts from December, 2019

Personal confession: I don’t have enough faith to be an atheist

Two videos that demolish the proposition that this is all a random accident. Last year, PragerU presenter Brian Keating posed a very interesting question:  What’s a Greater Leap of Faith: God or the Multiverse?   Given all the factors that went into the formation of, well  everything  suggests a designer. Those who deny a creator suggest an alternative theory: The “multiverse”. An infinite number of alternative universes that explain how ours could be perfect, sort of a theory of evolution for cosmology. In essence, the question asks which is more plausible, a universe with a designer or an infinite number alternatives in which one just happened to have been perfect. A recent video from PBS Space Time discusses this question as well, going into greater detail on just how precise all the cosmological constants had to be correct in order for our universe to exist. The impossible odds of a perfect universe. Our universe seems to operate according to a set of fundamental ru

Poll: Impeachment is an abuse of power… by Democrats

The Democrats show they are the party of projection as well as hypocrisy with the impeachment scam. Now that the authoritarian left has shown that the urgency of  impeachment  was a sham, the results of a recent  Rasmussen poll  was that most voters consider impeachment an “Abuse of Power” by the Democrats. The survey, released last Friday found: That 51% of Likely U.S. Voters agree with Trump’s statement in a letter to the U.S. House of Representatives before the vote: “This impeachment represents an unprecedented and unconstitutional abuse of power by Democrat lawmakers unequaled in nearly two-and-a-half centuries of American legislative history.” Similarly, 48% agree with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi when she said, “Our democracy is what is at stake. … The president has engaged in abuse of power, undermining our national security and jeopardizing the integrity of our elections.” Rasmussen Reports didn’t identify the source of those two statements. The  Associated Press  also

The left considers liberty a disease that needs to be eradicated

While the headline may seem harsh, consider how the left is trying to eliminate the unalienable human right of self-preservation in the state of  Virginia and elsewhere . Add to that its actions against freedom of speech, privacy and the presumption of innocence. There is a reason we call it  liberty control , the left’s socialist national agenda has our freedom in its cross-hairs, not just the possession of inanimate objects of aluminium and wood. The 2nd Amendment is a bulwark of liberty. To quote Mao Zedong:  “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun” . Without the physical manifestation of this political power, the rest of the founding documents are merely words on paper the left would love to ignore. But now a “representative” in the Massachusetts legislature wants to “screen” for this physical manifestation of liberty as though it were a disease, with the “cure” far worse than the condition. As reported by P. Gardner Goldsmith ,  @gardgoldsmith  of MRCTV fame, Massachus

Don’t tell the leftists, but we want them to hold onto the impeachment articles

This is a super secret message, so don’t put it out in the  interwebs or anything. There is nothing more amusing than when you can get someone to play a practical joke on themselves or walk into a trap of their own making. It’s even better than getting out-of-the-way when someone is making a mistake,. In this case, we have the ever lovable and overly arrogant authoritarian socialist left thinking they have play a very skillful version of the impeachment game. Their plan all along was to smear President Trump with the impeached label and then drop the matter so he and the rest of the pro-liberty right can’t defend ourselves. Never mind that the party of projection is being manifestly unfair – while hurling that accusation at every turn. Everyone can see they’ve clearly run out of ideas. After all, the moldy oldie ideas of their base ideology of collectivism can be traced to ancient Greece and the Old Testament. While they try to repeat the ‘that wasn’t really socialism’ mant

The Democrats are so sad over impeachment

Everyone gaze upon their morose countenances as they are disheartened over the distasteful task before them. For they are but saddened at accomplishing that which they have wanted for all these years.. They are about as sad as they are  democratic  or  liberal . From the  Daily Wire : House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was forced on Wednesday night to stop House Democrats from cheering their purely partisan impeachment of President Donald Trump following the vote as reports also surfaced that House members were taking selfies. Pelosi Forced To Silence Impeachment Cheers From Self-Proclaimed “Solemn” & “Prayerful” Democrats Originally published on the NOQ Report

Humorous tips on how to avoid gun confiscation

Just for fun, we’re presenting a tongue in cheek, but interesting video with a few ideas on an interesting subject. Some people think that the time you need to disassemble  [for safety and storage reasons] ,  cleaning and applying a thin layer of lubricant  to the metal, sealing them in to keep the moisture out, to prepare them for on-site and off-site  storage . Then placing in a section of PVC pipe with a glue-on cap on one end and a threaded cap on the other with scrap metal around in an area you normally traverse to avoid tracking dogs, is the day you should dig them up. But there is nothing that says all of  your property  has to be in one place. Those who are familiar with being ready know of this rule:  “Three is really two, while two is only one, and one is none.”  Meaning that it’s never a good idea to put all of your eggs  – or anything else –  in one basket. It’s far better that everyone knows that important items are distributed around so that if something happen

Obvious headline of the year award: Most Americans say their rights are being threatened

Once again, the national socialist media steps outside itself to declare what is painfully obvious to everyone else. In what has to be the hands-down winner of the most obvious headline of the year – if not the decad, USA today has beclowned itself with their opinion on a story that is breathtaking for its lack of self-awareness. Note that we used the version of the headline for the same story that made the most sense, the other version being:  92% of Americans think their basic rights are being threatened, new poll shows . Which sets the tone for the rest of the story in trying convince people that the sky is green, the Nazis weren’t socialists and their unalienable human rights aren’t really under “Threat”: Americans are most concerned that their freedom of speech (48%), right to bear arms (47%) and right to equal justice (41%) are at risk, says the Harris Poll/Purple Project, which surveyed 2,002 people nationwide. “When you frame something as a threat, it creates

Liberty is on the rise with the authoritarian socialist left losing around the world

Once again we have an example of an imperfect champion of liberty rising above the old ideas of collectivism. The electoral victory of Boris Johnson is another data point in the big picture that shows that liberty is making a comeback while the authoritarian socialist left is on the decline. It was brought up on Sky news in talking about the election. It was a conclusion on the same topic on  Glenn Beck . After years of “cancel culture”, “political correctness” and of course that nonsensical term  “Wokeness”  the rational majority has grown weary of the antics of the totalitarian ten percent that comprises the radical far-left cadres. Choosing to be optimistic about the current trend towards liberty. One can choose to be optimistic in looking at the big picture as opposed to dwelling in pessimism. Consider the election of Donald Trump in 2016, then the  surprise electoral win  for Australia’s  conservative  Liberal Party-led coalition followed by the conservative landslide of

Myth busted: Strict controls on liberty can prevent societal violence

A recent shooting in Japan with an automatic rifle shows that liberty control does not work. Most of the left’s socialist national agenda is based on lies. These are most prevalent on the topic of  liberty control  ranging from the musket myth to the  “No one is talking about gun confiscation”  lie. One of the most pernicious lies of the liberty grabber left is that societal violence is a “uniquely American problem” or that stringent controls on freedom will keep everyone safe. A recent video from Colion Noir on a shooting in Japan, a bastion of tight controls on liberty shows this is nothing but a very dangerous lie. His comments on the story are quite telling and prove the point that it’s impossible to eliminate guns and societal violence, even in an Island nation with strict forms of liberty control. You can make all the laws you want. Criminals are going to get their hands on guns. I am all for making laws that attempt to keep guns out of the hands of crimin

Projection on steroids: NY Times is suddenly worried that impeachment will become the new normal

The left’s primary propaganda organ is suddenly worried about reprisals and division from their actions. Sometimes you just have to laugh at the antics of the nation’s socialist left – the party of projection and its media arm. In this case it’s the bird-cage liner of record editorializing about what they and the party  have been doing for 3 years  and are now threatening to Schiff into overdrive. Leftists love to stand aside and complain about it’s actions as though they aren’t participating. To quoth the New York Times:  In a Polarized Era, Will Impeachment Become a ‘New Normal’? With the House poised to impeach President Trump on a mainly party-line vote and Republicans already threatening retribution, fears are mounting that presidential impeachment might, like the filibuster, become a regular feature of America’s weaponized politics, with members of the party out of the White House but in control of the House routinely trying to oust a president they find objectionable.