Liberty is on the rise with the authoritarian socialist left losing around the world

Once again we have an example of an imperfect champion of liberty rising above the old ideas of collectivism.

The electoral victory of Boris Johnson is another data point in the big picture that shows that liberty is making a comeback while the authoritarian socialist left is on the decline. It was brought up on Sky news in talking about the election. It was a conclusion on the same topic on Glenn Beck.
After years of “cancel culture”, “political correctness” and of course that nonsensical term “Wokeness” the rational majority has grown weary of the antics of the totalitarian ten percent that comprises the radical far-left cadres.

Choosing to be optimistic about the current trend towards liberty.

One can choose to be optimistic in looking at the big picture as opposed to dwelling in pessimism. Consider the election of Donald Trump in 2016, then the surprise electoral win for Australia’s conservative Liberal Party-led coalition followed by the conservative landslide of Boris Johnson.
These are all flawed and imperfect people and certainly not as supportive of the cause of liberty for our tastes, but in a larger sense, they are far better than what is present of the leadership of the socialist far-left.
Granted, there are dark cloud threats to liberty on the horizon, especially considering the ever-dire situation over the unalienable human right of self-defense in the state of Virginia. Then there is the impeachment debacle that is likely to proceed despite the authoritarian left’s lack of a case in the matter.
No matter the outcome, everyone can expect impeachment to be a recurring theme throughout the coming year. One can also expect that after the left has exhausted that partisan maneuver, they will suddenly turn around and lament how it’s become meaningless – due to their exploitation of the procedure.
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The authoritarian socialist left is losing because they have run out of ideas.

While they falsely think they’re offering something new, the fact is their collectivist ideas hearken back several millennia to ancient Greece and the Old Testament. Their essential precept is of control or coercion to resolve every societal problem.
These same ideas were echoed in the book Utopia published in 1516 as the “first socialist position” as termed by the collectivists of Monthly Review in a piece on an anniversary of the communist manifesto.
Leftist ideas of socialism were bandied about in ancient times, as well as expressed over 500 years ago. These same ideas failed to work in the first colonies of the Americas. They also failed to work in 1825 with the first use of the word socialism with another experiment in New Harmony, Indiana.
The left’s old ideas have never worked, despite their incessant lies and obfuscations to the contrary. But they keep flogging them because they have nothing else.

The authoritarian socialist left is losing because they obviously favor control over liberty.

Dennis Prager eloquently made this point in a recent fireside chat entitled Losing Liberty in America in which he explains how he maintains his optimism in the face of the actions of the authoritarian left:
“I fear for the future of America and if America fails the amount of cruelty like genocide that will take place in the world is immeasurable. The United States is the finger in the dike of the flood of evil that would take place in the world were not for America’s strength and commitment to Liberty.”
He goes on to emphasize that there needs to be a separation between the authoritarian left and true liberals that favor individual liberty and free trade.
“We are in danger of losing Liberty in the United States because the left are not liberals. We separate between left and liberals. The left has never valued liberty. The left values ever stronger, bigger state, and the bigger the state the less the liberty. I mean, that’s so obvious that I feel bad that I have to explain it.”
On a basic level, the political right favors liberty rather than control, while the political left favors control rather than liberty. These underlying concepts can be seen as the basis of most political discussions. They also coincide with the political right favoring individualism while the political left favors collectivism.
These basic facts aren’t exactly flattering to the left, so they have to obfuscate the political spectrum with multiple axis and dimensions as well as trying to deny the fact that fascism belongs on the left along with every other collectivist ideology.

The bottom-line: The truth of the authoritarian left is finally becoming obvious.

Despite the obfuscations, the far-left is showing itself to be authoritarian at its core. This can be seen with its obsession with gun confiscation and the suppression of other freedoms, as well as centralized control of the economy.
They would like to keep the stark similarities with other authoritarian socialists hidden as much as possible using outright lies and deceptions as well as projection of their tendencies on others. But these only serve to fool the people for a limited amount of time, then the truth comes out and more lies on their part no longer work. That is why liberty is on the rise while the authoritarian socialist left is losing.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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