Projection on steroids: NY Times is suddenly worried that impeachment will become the new normal

The left’s primary propaganda organ is suddenly worried about reprisals and division from their actions.

Sometimes you just have to laugh at the antics of the nation’s socialist left – the party of projection and its media arm. In this case it’s the bird-cage liner of record editorializing about what they and the party have been doing for 3 years and are now threatening to Schiff into overdrive.
Leftists love to stand aside and complain about it’s actions as though they aren’t participating. To quoth the New York Times: In a Polarized Era, Will Impeachment Become a ‘New Normal’?
With the House poised to impeach President Trump on a mainly party-line vote and Republicans already threatening retribution, fears are mounting that presidential impeachment might, like the filibuster, become a regular feature of America’s weaponized politics, with members of the party out of the White House but in control of the House routinely trying to oust a president they find objectionable.
Never mind that they have been there day in and day out driving the impeachment bandwagon, or that their case is essentially a disagreement on policy, unworthy of a process set forth by the founding fathers.
The New York Times managed to realize that a purely political process could be politicized. Worse yet, it could be divisive and over used. After spending 3 years pushing the rock of impeachment up a hill, they are coming to the realization that it could roll back on top of them.

Why is the national socialist media suddenly gun-shy about impeachment?

Reading between the lines, it’s hard to discern precisely the intent of this piece. Has the authoritarian left suddenly realized they are walking into a trap? Or are they hoping to set up another double standard for themselves?
It could be that the left’s primary propaganda organ realizes that their “Hail Mary Play” isn’t working out as intended. Polling is going in the wrong direction and the people are losing interest. Those who are fair-minded realized a long time ago that the left doesn’t have a case and they are just trying to milk it for all it’s worth. Given all of this, the Times is trying to subtly hint to their comrades to drop the case – for now.
Of course, it could be that they are merely hoping to put forward the idea that president Trump is a special case and that if the totalitarian ten percent ever attains power, the same shouldn’t be done to them.

Play it again Schiff.

There should be no doubt that if the nation’s socialist left musters the courage to go through with the impeachment scam, that they won’t make the word Impeached a permanent part of president Trump’s job title, mentioning the “historic” nature of this particular impeachment every 5 minutes.
The problem for them is that it’s a long way to next November, with plenty of new cycles in between. After blaring that President Trump was impeached the 10 billionth time, what else will they be able to do with it?
Since they have nothing else but a bunch of dusty old ideas on collectivism and never to be fulfilled promises of freebies never before seen in the annals of mankind – paid for with other people’s money – the left will soon be running on fumes. Some have already forwarded the idea of unlimited impeachment attempts, perhaps even an impeachment of the month club. No matter what happens, this certainly is in the cards, even if they chicken out this time around.
We all can look forward to endless repetitions of the impeachment game. Economy looking good – impeach! Democrats looking bad – impeach! There should be no doubt the national socialist left will try this again, since they have nothing else to run on.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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