Obvious headline of the year award: Most Americans say their rights are being threatened

Once again, the national socialist media steps outside itself to declare what is painfully obvious to everyone else.
In what has to be the hands-down winner of the most obvious headline of the year – if not the decad, USA today has beclowned itself with their opinion on a story that is breathtaking for its lack of self-awareness.
Note that we used the version of the headline for the same story that made the most sense, the other version being: 92% of Americans think their basic rights are being threatened, new poll shows. Which sets the tone for the rest of the story in trying convince people that the sky is green, the Nazis weren’t socialists and their unalienable human rights aren’t really under “Threat”:
Americans are most concerned that their freedom of speech (48%), right to bear arms (47%) and right to equal justice (41%) are at risk, says the Harris Poll/Purple Project, which surveyed 2,002 people nationwide.
“When you frame something as a threat, it creates a bit of a political response, and it creates division and encampments of special interest,” said John Gerzema, CEO of the Harris Poll. That’s why political parties and lobbying groups warn supporters with strident language, he said: It’s easier to drum up backing for a political cause by talking about an issue in terms of “threats.”
But when you start to consider which rights and freedoms really matter, Gerzema said, poll responses changed – and Americans re-prioritized which values they cared about most.
It should be noted that when they rephrased the discussion on these critically important issues, they conveniently left off the keystone of one’s unalienable human rights: The right of self-defence. Never mind that this fundamental part of the constitution has been under siege for the last few years – coincidentally with the left dropping the mask on their base ideology of collectivism.

The threat is real in Virginia.

We can contrast what the national socialist media would likely claim is our imagination with what is taking place in the Old Dominion to the point that Virginia’s reaction to gun control will be a bellwether for the nation. The authoritarian leftists have made it clear they want to do the same throughout the states in 2020.
USA Today is implying that there is no real threat to freedom, that people who claim to be liberal have no designs on our liberty. That we shouldn’t worry our pretty little heads about the right to bear arms, freedom of speech and the right to equal justice. These are the same people touting the unconstitutional abomination of gun confiscation swatting otherwise known as red flag laws in the state.
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Laws that threaten the right to bear arms, freedom of speech and the right to equal justice express the wrong thought and your guns are confiscated with a one-sided miscarriage of justice. That certainly sounds like a threat. This doesn’t even touch on the current story of FISA abuse.
Note: Those who want to obtain the latest information on this volatile situation can check with Keep VA 2AVirginia Citizens Defense League or Virginia Constitutional Conservatives.

When polls collide – how the liberty grabber left gets the results they want.

While acknowledging that there maybe a bit of confirmation bias with this poll, it does have the advantage of being disconnected with emotionally charge events that are often exploited for polls that have almost a polar opposite result.
For example, in their coverage of the presidential sweepstakes, Politico had an ‘FAQ’ on the subject of the people supporting Background Checks:
A POLITICO/Morning Consult poll conducted in February 2018 found that 88 percent of respondents supported requiring background checks on all gun sales, and 82 percent supported making private gun sales and sales at gun shows subject to background checks.
A CNN/ORC International poll conducted in 2012 found that 96 percent of respondents supported requiring a background check on anyone attempting to purchase a gun in order to determine whether the prospective buyer has been convicted of a felony.
[Emphasis added]
Said polls cherry pick the data, playing fast and loose with the terminology, using the term background check from the polling, then changing over to a far different entity, a universal background check system followed by the claim that said proposal “now enjoys support from a large majority of Americans.”
Also note that they tend to have a “support/oppose” standard for this type of polling, negating any type of nuance in the data. Changing the terms also confuses the issue since background checks already exist. A classic bait and switch: poll on what already exists and then switch it to something else.

Why does the national socialist left obsess over liberty control?

Finally, we are going to note why the left dropped the mask hiding their desire for gun confiscation along with that covering their socialist national agenda. Both of these are intertwined in the leftist’s priority of control over liberty.
The concepts on socialism in the PragerU video with Lawrence W. Reed from the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) provided the answer. To quote the transcript:
Socialism is the concentration of power into the hands of government elites to achieve the following purposes: central planning of the economy and the radical redistribution of wealth.
Socialism isn’t about free choice, it’s about concentrating power into the hands of government elites—ultimately through force.
Note that last sentence on the “concentrating power into the hands of government elites—ultimately through force.” That explains the connection between socialism and self-defense in one sentence.
Firearms and an individual right to self-defense means that power is distributed throughout the populace.  Having the right of self-defense deemed to be a collective right and strict controls on freedom with liberty control means power is concentrated in the hands of government elites.

The bottom line: Leftist control obsessions are antithetical to liberty.

It is painfully obvious that the authoritarian left cannot abide liberty, whether it’s in the realm of self-defense, speech or basic privacy. This explains the polling results that run contrary to those claiming we want to shed our liberty when it comes the unalienable human right of self-defense.
It also explains leftist use of words that imply people just think there is a threat to liberty. It’s almost as if they would like to claim that what we’re experiencing is just our imagination. The threat is real and that is why many are beginning to wake up and join the pro-liberty push-back.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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