The left considers liberty a disease that needs to be eradicated

While the headline may seem harsh, consider how the left is trying to eliminate the unalienable human right of self-preservation in the state of Virginia and elsewhere. Add to that its actions against freedom of speech, privacy and the presumption of innocence. There is a reason we call it liberty control, the left’s socialist national agenda has our freedom in its cross-hairs, not just the possession of inanimate objects of aluminium and wood.
The 2nd Amendment is a bulwark of liberty. To quote Mao Zedong: “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun”. Without the physical manifestation of this political power, the rest of the founding documents are merely words on paper the left would love to ignore.
But now a “representative” in the Massachusetts legislature wants to “screen” for this physical manifestation of liberty as though it were a disease, with the “cure” far worse than the condition.
As reported by P. Gardner Goldsmith , @gardgoldsmith of MRCTV fame, Massachusetts medical professions could soon begin screening patients for the ever persistent physical state of a desire for liberty.
The storm has begun.
A “representative” in the Massachusetts legislature has proposed H.2005, a bill to mandate that doctors in the state “screen” patients for gun ownership, and which could target those who “screen positive” — as if they’ve caught some deadly pathogen – for gun confiscation via a “Red Flag” (Extreme Risk Protection Order) statute.
Reports WBZTV, Boston:

Section 237. The director shall establish a program for firearm screening and counseling. Such program shall systematically screen all patients for the presence of firearms in the home. The director shall, after consultation with recognized professional medical groups and such other sources as the director deems appropriate, promulgate regulations establishing (1) the means by which and the intervals at which patients shall be screened for the presence of firearms in the home and (2) guidelines for safety counseling for individuals that screen positive for the presence of firearms in the home.
Brown shirts and medical scrubs are not included in H.2005, but we’ve seen this kind of “make the world ‘safe’ by taking private guns and leaving arms only in the hands of the jackbooted government” before.
It’s left a lot of people dead.
There is a darkness growing in the United States. And Massachusetts — the state that in April of 1775 saw the battles of Lexington and Concord, and in 1837 saw them memorialized by Ralph Waldo Emerson as he penned the phrase “shot heard ‘round the world” to describe the first musket fire – is one of a few states pushing us into this ever growing umbra.
Only the light of truth will combat this kind of malevolence.

The bottom line: The right prefers liberty over control, the left prefers control over liberty.

This point is framed perfectly with the eloquent words of author and engineer Robert A. Heinlein:
“Political tags – such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth – are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire.” Robert A. Heinlein
While there are those – primarily on the left – who prefer to overly complicate the political spectrum, the fact is in general terms, the left prefers control over liberty.  They would prefer the concentration of political power in the hands of the elite – their hands.
They cannot abide a physical manifestation of liberty in the hands of individuals.  That is why they want to “screen” and treat this condition that impedes them in their obsession with control.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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