Don’t tell the leftists, but we want them to hold onto the impeachment articles

This is a super secret message, so don’t put it out in the  interwebs or anything.
There is nothing more amusing than when you can get someone to play a practical joke on themselves or walk into a trap of their own making. It’s even better than getting out-of-the-way when someone is making a mistake,. In this case, we have the ever lovable and overly arrogant authoritarian socialist left thinking they have play a very skillful version of the impeachment game.
Their plan all along was to smear President Trump with the impeached label and then drop the matter so he and the rest of the pro-liberty right can’t defend ourselves. Never mind that the party of projection is being manifestly unfair – while hurling that accusation at every turn.
Everyone can see they’ve clearly run out of ideas. After all, the moldy oldie ideas of their base ideology of collectivism can be traced to ancient Greece and the Old Testament. While they try to repeat the ‘that wasn’t really socialism’ mantra ad nauseam, the fact is they’ve been tried everywhere for more than 400 years with nary a success.
Even now, more and more are wondering of the source of other people’s money to pay for all the vote-buying goodies the national socialist left is promising. Given that even the low ball projections would total up to more money that there is in the entire world, multiply those estimates by the usual error in these predicted costs and the left’s grandiose giveaways are ridiculously absurd.
But they had one last card left to play – they could tar Trump with the impeachment label, repeating it every 30 seconds to the point of annoying their most ardent supporters.

Trump’s super secret superpower.

Don’t tell anyone else, but President Trump has a superpower. He has the uncanny ability to get his enemies to do what he wants against their best interest. It’s not perfect – meaning it doesn’t work all the time – but when it does it leads the national socialist left to disaster.
Of course, for the left it’s always been a cherished dream to impeach the next Republican president after Bill Clinton met the same fate. We all should remember that they began talking about it as soon as president Trump entered office. In effect, they’ve had the articles of impeachment drawn up for years, they just needed to fill in the blanks were necessary.
One would have thought they could have come up with something more damming than what they have, but leftists are lacking in creativity. So, they came up with a feeble set of charges that changed every week. Even then they set up an obviously unfair process to turn away the moderates and boost president Trump’s polling numbers.
Then to top it all off, they are going to hold onto the articles of impeachment. Giving the Republicans the perfect rationale to respond with a move that will do even more damage to the left.

Don’t tell the leftists, but they are setting a trap for themselves.

So if the leftists fail to send over the impeachment articles, the Republicans can open an investigation into the whole affair, without having it being a true trial of the president. They have a right to respond to the impeachment smear, so they have a right to investigate what happened – with everything the national socialist left has done.
They won’t have to make it a trial, so there won’t even be a remote danger in this aspect of the process. They can rightfully take them to task without any downside, since the left did this to themselves. President Trump’s masterful superpower has done it again. Just don’t tell the nation’s socialist left about it.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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