Humorous tips on how to avoid gun confiscation

Just for fun, we’re presenting a tongue in cheek, but interesting video with a few ideas on an interesting subject.
Some people think that the time you need to disassemble [for safety and storage reasons]cleaning and applying a thin layer of lubricant to the metal, sealing them in to keep the moisture out, to prepare them for on-site and off-site storage. Then placing in a section of PVC pipe with a glue-on cap on one end and a threaded cap on the other with scrap metal around in an area you normally traverse to avoid tracking dogs, is the day you should dig them up. But there is nothing that says all of your property has to be in one place.
Those who are familiar with being ready know of this rule: “Three is really two, while two is only one, and one is none.” Meaning that it’s never a good idea to put all of your eggs – or anything else – in one basket. It’s far better that everyone knows that important items are distributed around so that if something happens to one basket others will be available.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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