
Showing posts from December, 2017

New Years Resolutions

Well, it’s about that time when people start thinking about new years resolutions, such as to resolving to Smile More and Complain less… So, in that spirit … For the President: Please stop getting into petty fights with leftists on twitter. Mr. President, Twitter can be a double edged sword at times – a way to be instantly in touch with constituents, and a way to get off track in petty battles over irrelevant subjects. You need to show some restraint in picking your battles and perhaps have another pair of eyes to be sure of what is being disseminated. You have a powerful weapon of mass communication in social media. However, you need to be mindful that the backlash from inadvertent slip-ups can be devastating. For the Conservative-Right: Resolve to stop complimenting Leftists with the term ‘Liberal’. We all know that it’s hard to kick a bad habit and easy to confuse the terms ‘Leftist’ and ‘Liberal’ . Nevertheless, we must be mindful that these terms signify two e
We are witnessing in the machinations of CNN the self-immolation of the nation’s Left.  Were it not for it’s domination of media, culture and indoctrination establishments, the national Socialist Left would be a minor third party of no importance to the political scene.  Cultural Marxists have tried to dictate that certain word parings are verboten. This is because they evoke certain historic facts they would like everyone to forget. As is their usual projective modus operandi the Left tries to cast their tactics on it’s opposition with accusations of historical revision. The fact is the Oxford English dictionary defines the term national: Relating to or characteristic of a nation; common to a whole nation Presumably this is acceptable when referring to a national sports franchise, but not a national political movement of the Socialist-Left. Although it is supremely ironic that those that denounce certain word parings culturally speaking, those who would fall under the rubric of th

General Video Col Thread

The 4 Stages of Socialist* Failure

1. Socialists* promise free stuff. 2. Socialists* gain control based on these promises. 3. Socialists* use force and falsehoods when these promises cannot be fulfilled. 4. When it inevitably fails, Socialists* parrot the ‘it wasn’t really Socialism** lie’ and start over with promises for free stuff with a new name. *[or a synonym of thereof] Bolshevists, Castroists, Chavistas, Communists, Collectivists, Democratic Socialists, Fabianists, Fascists, Leftists, Leninists, Maoists, Marxists, Marxist-Leninists, National Socialists, Progressives, Project X advocates, Rule of the proletariat advocates, Social justice warriors, Stalinists, Statists, State ownership advocates, Totalitarianists, Trotskyists, Utopian Socialists, etc. etc. ** Or one of the multitude of synonyms for essentially the same concept.   1. Socialists* promise free stuff Socialists* have no qualms about promising other people’s money and property in order to buy votes and loyalty. In their quest to attain power over th

#Socialists Against Big Government Part III

As we determined in part I , the futile attempt by the nation’s socialist left to deceive and absolve themselves of the blood soaked history of their base ideology can be easily eviscerated with a logical analysis of the phraseology they utilised in this endeavour. To reprise the point: ‘The people collectively’ in the phrase ‘The people collectively and directly own the means of production’. Equates to a ‘group of people’ as in the definition of ‘government’. Thus, the logical “progression”: The people collectively = Group of people = Government. Therefore, the equivalent phrase is ‘The [Government] directly own(s) the means of production’, so once again socialism has been proven to be socialism despite the protestations of the nation’s Left. Part II Demonstrated that this ideological deception is also an impossibility within the confines of the Left’s socialist national agenda. But let us take them at their word and examine what they should be advocating to further demolish this id

Remy: People Will Die!

 Remy channels his inner Elizabeth Warren to vilify the other side. Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Subscribe to our podcast at iTunes: Reason is the planet's leading source of news, politics, and culture from a libertarian perspective. Go to for a point of view you won't get from legacy media and old left-right opinion magazines.

Video: Dear Liberals: Obamacare Got Us Into This Mess. So You Can Shut Up, Now. – Reality Check


Demands for Gun Confiscation Open Thread

Second Amendment Reference Open Thread

Open Thread


How can there be record gun sales without a change in the ‘300 Million guns’ factoid?

The past few years have seen the pithy little factoid ‘300 Million guns’ being bandied about with little regard to its accuracy. One cannot have a record number of anything flowing into the marketplace without a change in it’s quantity. This would be akin to a dozens fire hoses filling up a swimming pool without a change in the water level. The weaponsman ran the numbers and came up with better estimate of 412-660 Million.  There are certain factoids that tend to be tossed out without any thought to their logic or accuracy. When it comes to certain subject matter, many journalists would rather parrot these ‘facts’ instead of taking the time to research their source or even their accuracy. The ‘300 Million guns’ is one such factoid, but then again the gun grabbers have never been sticklers for accuracy, what with Terry McAuliffe (D.) making the claim that that the United States loses "93 million Americans a day to gun violence." The weaponsman took a hard look at the issue

#Socialists Against Big Government Part II

Part I proved what should be obvious: That governments are composed of groups of people and that socialist and communist governments are groups of people who collectively and directly own or regulate the means of production. Thus, the Leftist talking point that failed socialist and communist regimes of the past and present weren’t really socialist and communist has been shown to be a lie. In this part we will demonstrate that the practical implications of this deception are dysfunctional in the extreme because their programme can only be implemented by force of arms and governments never give up power voluntarily.   It can be shown via the logic of the dictionary definitions that governments are merely groups of people with the authority to govern a particular region, state or nation. And that socialist and communist governments are merely groups of people who collectively own or regulate the means of production. One is supposed to ignore the obvious and instead pretend that a group

Open Thread

Gun Control: Yes, It’s That Stupid Via Political Humor

JFK: Democrat or Republican? PragerU Video

John F. Kennedy lowered taxes, opposed abortion, supported gun rights, and believed in a strong military. And he was a proud Democrat. But would he be one today? Author and talk show host Larry Elder explains. Donate today to PragerU!

Video: Reclaiming the Levellers from Socialism (Stephen Davies)

  H/T: Stephen Davies is currently education director at the Institute of Economic Affairs and a program officer at the Institute for Humane

#Socialists Against Big Government Part I

 One of the nation’s socialist Left’s favorite deceptions is to play games with the true definitional meanings of common words. Their recent preference is to make the absurd claim than socialism hasn’t really been tried before because it has to involve ‘The people collectively and directly own the means of production’: To begin we will examine the meaning of the word collectively in the phrase ‘The people collectively’ to logically unpack this cute little ideological deception. The Oxford English dictionary defines the term collectively As a group; as a whole. One can substitute the relevant part directly into the phrase thusly: The people collectively becomes The people [as a group] And it follows that this is referring to the action’s of a ‘group of people’ Compare this to the relevant portion of the Oxford English dictionary definition of the word government The group of people with the authority to govern a country or state And it follows that a reference to

Merry CHRISTmas!

Christmas: a celebration of hope in despair, freedom from captivity, and the triumph of light over darkness. No wonder it is Illegal in #NorthKorea and censored in #China and #Laos . To all of you, and to all unable to celebrate today, we wish a Happy Christmas! — Victims of Communism (@VoCommunism) December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas From Jerusalem, The Capital Of Israel!

Merry Christmas from Jerusalem, the capital of Israel! — Benjamin Netanyahu (@netanyahu) December 24, 2017

Reference Excerpt: Socialism is Not “Worker Control of the Means of Production”

One of the Socialist-left’s preferred ways of absolving themselves of the absolute failure and mass murder of their base ideology is to utilise various semantic word games to foster the mythology that socialism has yet to be tried.   Not only is this complete balderdash, but it highlights the fundamental difference between right and left with regard to private property rights.  In essence, the right believes in this fundamental concept that is a bulwark of freedom, the Socialist-Left does not. The author’s main point is that while the vestiges of economic freedom allow one to actually fulfil the alleged objective of the socialist programme, the fact that this is insufficient for them reveals a fundamental difference between Right and Left. People can and do operate worker’s co-ops under the auspices of economic freedom. This is perfectly acceptable under a “laissez-faire constitutional republic that protects private property rights”. To each his own and all that. The key difference

Video: Maren Morris – My Church


Gun Confiscation image Reference July 2012

[Reverse chronological order] July 7, 2012 Huffington Post: Get Rid of the Damn Guns

Confiscation Reference July 2012

[Reverse chronological order] July 7, 2012 Huffington Post: Get Rid of the Damn Guns Huffington Post: Get Rid of the Damn Guns By Andy Ostroy There's been so much said since the horrific shooting deaths in Aurora, CO, Friday. But our nation's leaders, in particular President Obama and the presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney, have been woefully silent on the one subject that counts: gun control. Not one word one about the need for new legislation from the two men who wish to be president for the next four years. Quite frankly, it's shameful and infuriating, and demonstrates the unstoppable power of the NRA and the gun lobby in our country today. We've heard all the requisite yet meaningless nonsense about the need for "prayer" and "strength" and for Americans to "come together" during this time of tragedy. But several dozen people 'cam

Gun Confiscation image Reference March 2012

[Reverse chronological order] Mar 24, 2012 Daily Kos: Yes conservatives, we want to take away your guns

Gun Confiscation image Reference March 2012

[Reverse chronological order] Mar 24, 2012 Daily Kos: Yes conservatives, we want to take away your guns

Gun Confiscation Reference March 2012

[Reverse chronological order] Mar 24, 2012 Daily Kos: Yes conservatives, we want to take away your guns Yes conservatives, we want to take away your guns... Saturday Mar 24, 2012 As a person of principle let me be very clear to any "conservatives" who troll the Kos for proof that liberals want to take away thier guns.  Here you go conservatives:  We liberals really do want to take away your guns and never let you have them back. … Bottom line, as a person of principle, not an etch a sketch faux varmint hunter, let me be clear, you can keep a gun to hunt, you can keep a reasonable handgun to protect your property and person, and you can keep your goofy gun collections but you MAY NOT HAVE SICKO GUNS DESINGED TO DO NOTHING OTHER THAN KILL PEOPLE!!!!  We liberals want to take THOSE GUNS away.  We really do! I think you can see that we liberals reasonably

Gun Confiscation screen image Reference November 2011

Real Time with Bill Maher Episode 231 November 4, 2011 Quotes On The Second Amendment: "In the grand scheme of the rights that we have: right of assembly, free speech...owning a gun does not tally on the same level as those other Constitutional rights we're given." -Alex Wagner "My belief is if we take away that right to bear arms, the only people who are going to have the arms are the people who are going to be the ones breaking into your house." -Bill Engvall "I don't believe there's any reason for a person like myself to own an's not used for hunting; it would ruin any of the meat..." -Bill Engvall "We have a problem in America, which is that we misunderstand, quite frankly, what the Second Amendment is for. It's for law-abiding citizens to have a right, both to protect themselves and to be protected from living under tyranny." -Darrell Issa

Gun Confiscation Reference November 2011

Real Time with Bill Maher Episode 231 November 4, 2011 Quotes On The Second Amendment: "In the grand scheme of the rights that we have: right of assembly, free speech...owning a gun does not tally on the same level as those other Constitutional rights we're given." -Alex Wagner "My belief is if we take away that right to bear arms, the only people who are going to have the arms are the people who are going to be the ones breaking into your house." -Bill Engvall "I don't believe there's any reason for a person like myself to own an's not used for hunting; it would ruin any of the meat..." -Bill Engvall "We have a problem in America, which is that we misunderstand, quite frankly, what the Second Amendment is for. It's for law-abiding citizens to have a right, both to protect themselves and to be protected from living under tyranny." -Darrell Issa

Gun Confiscation screen image Reference February 2011

February 22, 2011 Arizona Daily Star: Reinstate ban on military-style assault weapons

Gun Confiscation Reference February 2011

February 22, 2011 Arizona Daily Star: Reinstate ban on military-style assault weapons Reinstate ban on military-style assault weapons Our view: Imperfect as law was, it noticeably reduced flow of such lethal guns     Feb 22, 2011 This country needs to re-impose a new, effective ban on military-style assault weapons. Banning semiautomatic assault weapons designed to kill lots of people quickly isn't quite as simple at it may appear on the surface. That must not keep us from trying. … We believe an imperfect ban is better than none when it comes to assault-style weaponry on our streets. … This country must enact a new federal ban on military-style assault weapons. The Brady Campaign argues that a new federal ban should be modeled on California's law, which uses a "one-feature" test to define outlawed weapons. Thus th

Gun Confiscation screen image Reference April 2007

April 4, 2007 Salon: Repeal the Second Amendment

Gun Confiscation Reference April 2007

April 4, 2007 Salon: Repeal the Second Amendment Repeal the Second Amendment The best way to reduce the odds of another blood bath like the one at Virginia Tech is to amend the Constitution and abolish the right to bear arms. Walter Shapiro 2007-04-18 Fifteen unambiguous words are all that would be required to quell the American-as-apple-pie cycle of gun violence that has now tearfully enshrined Virginia Tech in the record book of mass murder. Here are the 15 words that would deliver a mortal wound to our bang-bang culture of death: "The second article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States is hereby repealed." … Despite a decade-long string of such political victories, the National Rifle Association still revels in the apocalyptic imagery of liberal jackboots trampling on the constitutionally guaranteed freedoms of gun-loving patriots. After the Democrats took control of Congress last November, the NR


Kitty Werthmann, an Austrian World War II survivor, gives her account of Hitler's takeover of Austria. [35:06] H/T: XtremeConditions

Friday Night Fights: Liberty Vs. Tyranny [Capitalism Vs. Socialism]

"We all declare for liberty; but in using the same word we do not all mean the same thing. With some the word liberty may mean for each man to do as he pleases with himself, and the product of his labor; while with others, the same word many mean for some men to do as they please with other men, and the product of other men's labor. Here are two, not only different, but incompatible things, called by the same name- liberty. And it follows that each of the things is, by the respective parties, called by two different and incompatible names - liberty and tyranny." Abraham Lincoln Source:April 18, 1864 - Address at Sanitary Fair, Baltimore, Maryland We present two videos that will helpfully explain Economic Freedom (Capitalism) and Economic Slavery (Socialism) PragerU!: Why You Love Capitalism Do you use an iPhone? Watch Netflix? Listen to Spotify? Then you love capitalism and can't stand big government. How do we know? Jared Meyer of the Foundation for Governmen

Y2K And Why The Marxist Scheme Of The State Withering Away Is History’s Most Cynical Bait And Switch.

As they say, this is a feature and not a bug of the Marxist programme. They use it to take in new generations who think they’ve discovered the perfect political system and a way to get free goodies for no effort. This while having the ideal method to excuse failure and a reason why it will work the next time around. H/T MEOSO To hear the socialists tell it, the Socialist regimes of it’s storied past weren’t really socialist. This is because things are supposed to be run by the people as a group and instead was run by a group of people, which isn’t the same thing according to them. Marxian theory held that socialism meant that the people as a group run the economy, but if a group of people run the economy that isn’t socialism. It was perfectly fine if a collection of people ran the show, but not if done by a collection of people. Governments are merely groups of people in charge, and their owning and controlling the means of production was perfectly acceptable. But it wasn’t

Today The Nation’s Socialist Left Should Be Asking Themselves: "Are we the baddies?"

We begin with a humorous video from Mitchell and Webb: Perhaps our Comrades on the Left should take this as a humorous inspiration in their self examination and perhaps they should be asking this question of themselves. Consider how they’ve conducted themselves over the past few months. They and their base ideology have been losing for years now and yet they still think of themselves as being on the ‘right side of history’. Their mindset of having a birthright to power is palpable at times in their words, deeds and actions. They truly think that their way is ‘progress’ and anything short of that is a travesty of justice (Socialist and otherwise). History is not allowed to reject the siren song of the left and it’s collective ideology. It’s only when the nation moves toward the Socialist left that all is well and good in the universe, anything else is ‘reactionary’ and verboten. This mindset also manifests itself in their reaction to events. They cheer on the use of viol

Dictionary Oxymora: State Capitalism

The Oxford English dictionary defines the term oxymoron (plural: oxymora ) "A figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction" Origin Mid 17th century: from Greek oxumōron, neuter (used as a noun) of oxumōros ‘pointedly foolish’, from oxus ‘sharp’ + mōros ‘foolish’. Today we will logically dismember one of the nation’s socialist left’s favourite oxymora: State Capitalism To begin we will take a look at the preferred phrases free market and economic freedom before examining the Leftist pejorative Capitalism. The Oxford English dictionary defines the term free market "An economic system in which prices are determined by unrestricted competition between privately owned businesses." Economic freedom – the combination of the words economic and freedom [We’re including that definition so that maybe some leftists will begin to understand the concept] The Oxford English dictionary defines the term freedom: "1 The power or right to

The danger for the cultural Marxists incessantly pushing “Critical Theory”.

Perhaps it’s a very esoteric progression that only those steeped in it’s ‘logic’ can fully comprehend, but for many the connection is hard to discern. Or it could be simply a case where those in the socialist-Left echo chamber somehow think it all makes sense because they are the most intelligent around (Just ask them) and they are incapable of logic. However, there is another aspect this subject matter that should be discussed. This is the danger of the national socialist left in attacking freedom and Western culture out of sheer habit. First of all, it makes them sound like unthinking automatons that react the same in every situation. And secondly, it tends to align them with our enemies and against freedom. The latest example is their knee-jerk reaction to the Anti-Sharia marches that took place over the weekend. Parenthetically speaking, there always seems to be the public or stated objective to their actions whilst their true intentions are hidden. The stated objective will invari

Don’t look now, but the Socialist left is letting the mask slip a wee bit too much.

Leftist dogma has it that they and they alone speak for ‘the people’ in the struggle against freedom and the private sector advancing society. They also are the authority on how much one is to keep of their earnings. After all, their taking of someone other people’s money is perfectly acceptable on their moral compass, but one keeping it is ‘greedy’. But when it comes to defending their collective faith in Socialist ideals dogma goes by the wayside. Case in point this urgent announcement: Emergency Days of Action to STOP U.S. INTERVENTION IN VENEZUELA “Make no mistake; what has been happening for the last two months in Venezuela is a counterrevolution by the most reactionary forces of the opposition to President Nicolás Maduro’s government.” “The corporate media – the voice of the Pentagon and White House – has set up an international campaign of blatant lies that try to present the terrorist actions of the fascist hoards [sic] as repression from the Revolutionary Government” This i


Bill Whittle explains the rationale behind limited government and it highlights an important distinction between Right and Left.

A Tsunami Of Absurdity

How does ‘The Onion’ stay relevant the days? Each days sees news stories and opinion pieces that defy logic and common sense to a point far beyond disbelief. We begin with an item from The College fix: Feminist researcher invents ‘intersectional quantum physics’ to fight ‘oppression’ of Newton Whitney Stark argues in support of “combining intersectionality and quantum physics” to better understand “marginalized people” and to create “safer spaces” for them, in the latest issue of The Minnesota Review. Because traditional quantum physics theory has influenced humanity’s understanding of the world, it has also helped lend credence to the ongoing regime of racism, sexism and classism that hurts minorities, Stark writes in “Assembled Bodies: Reconfiguring Quantum Identities.” But one can surmise that if the national socialist left wants to defy logic and ignore the science of there being only two genders then what's is to stop them from going ‘round the bend even further? And then t

Subject Quotes Open Thread

PragerU: The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party

Did you know that the Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, founded the KKK, and fought against every major civil rights act in U.S. history? Watch as Carol Swain, professor of political science at Vanderbilt University, shares the inconvenient history of the Democratic Party. Donate today to help us reach more people with this video!

Video: Is Fascism a Form of Socialism?

In this video I explore the similarities and differences between fascism and socialism, and ask if they are really two different things, or actually just two variants of the same thing. Hat Tip: The Academic Agent DiLorenzo's The Problem with Socialism: Richard Sheldon's encyclopedia entry: Mitchell and Webb sketch:

The irrelevant ‘North Korea’ red herring and whether Bernie Sanders is a Nazi [Video].

Mention one of the biggest socialist bugaboo’s to the nation’s Left, that the abbreviation for Nationalsozialistische [deutsche Arbeiter-Partei] and invariably one will pipe up with the irrelevant ‘North Korea’ red herring. This is their futile attempt at distracting from a very damaging fact to the Left, that those people were a socialist workers' party. Not only does this, place them all in the same ideological realm, but it also eviscerates one of the Left’s biggest historical lies – that a socialist workers' party is somehow supposed to be on the right. Communists and Socialists like to disavow their ideological brethren as somehow being further ‘right’ than they are and thus ‘Right’ wing. They play this little game with a bit of ideological relativism in the same manner as someone situated in Meeker Park or Boulder could consider that Denver being to the East in a relative sense is thus an ‘Eastern’ city. In many ways it is sad and unfortunate for the nation’s socialist

Is the National Socialist Left losing its' ‘collective’ mind?

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Albert Einstein The past few days have seen a decided up-tick in odd behaviour of the nation’s socialist Left. Whitworth Professor: Would Killing GOP Congressman Who Voted For Trumpcare Be 'Self-Defense'? Democrats Plan ‘Sustained Protest,’ Warn GOP Lawmakers ‘Be Afraid’ Now, it’s always been the case that since the ideological constructs of their collective faith have repeatedly failed they’ve been verging on insanity. Some of them openly advocate a set of ideological ideas that are at least 500 years old and that fly in the face of basic morality. This is an ideology that has seen the death and oppression of billions of people around the world that could be rightfully labelled evil incarnate no matter what it’s been called – Socialism, Communism, Marxism, Fascism, Maoism, Chávezism, etc. While others repeat the false premise that these ideological ideas haven’t really been tried yet.. Per