Gun Confiscation Reference March 2012

[Reverse chronological order]

Mar 24, 2012
Daily Kos: Yes conservatives, we want to take away your guns

Yes conservatives, we want to take away your guns...
Saturday Mar 24, 2012
As a person of principle let me be very clear to any "conservatives" who troll the Kos for proof that liberals want to take away thier guns.  Here you go conservatives:  We liberals really do want to take away your guns and never let you have them back.

Bottom line, as a person of principle, not an etch a sketch faux varmint hunter, let me be clear, you can keep a gun to hunt, you can keep a reasonable handgun to protect your property and person, and you can keep your goofy gun collections but you MAY NOT HAVE SICKO GUNS DESINGED TO DO NOTHING OTHER THAN KILL PEOPLE!!!!  We liberals want to take THOSE GUNS away.  We really do!

I think you can see that we liberals reasonably want to respect the rights of gun owners. So why don't you so called "principled" conservatives start respecting our right to walk down the street without the fear of some crazed gunman shooting a child because he was carrying a concealed bag of skittles?  

Where are your principles conservatives?  Where is your human decency?


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