Is the National Socialist Left losing its' ‘collective’ mind?

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Albert Einstein

The past few days have seen a decided up-tick in odd behaviour of the nation’s socialist Left.
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Now, it’s always been the case that since the ideological constructs of their collective faith have repeatedly failed they’ve been verging on insanity. Some of them openly advocate a set of ideological ideas that are at least 500 years old and that fly in the face of basic morality. This is an ideology that has seen the death and oppression of billions of people around the world that could be rightfully labelled evil incarnate no matter what it’s been called – Socialism, Communism, Marxism, Fascism, Maoism, Chávezism, etc. While others repeat the false premise that these ideological ideas haven’t really been tried yet..

Perhaps this is the vestiges of desperation on their part given that they know in their heart of hearts that their long cherished little red books an Che T-shirts have led them astray. Being on an ideological dirt road and facing the inevitable ‘dead end’ sign can have a jarring effect on one’s psyche.

They have invested some much emotional energy and thought into fooling themselves into thinking that their collective ideals can work with the right people in charge that the reality of the situation has pushed them over the brink.

Most sane people can read the writing on the Berlin wall to know that the left’s immoral collectivist ideas were never going to work. They know that collectivism will fail because it very unscientifically ignores basic economics and human nature. And that the only way to get them to work is with the infamous ‘red terror’, secret police and concentration camps.

But our comrades on the nation’s socialist left refuse to acquiesce to logic and reality. Instead of acknowledging that a few hundred years of experimentation and failure of their cherished base ideology have shown it to be non-functional. They instead try to point to small, culturally homogeneous countries that don’t have to pay for their own defense as ‘proof’ their immoral ideology can work.... somehow. This while they turn a blind eye to the 100 million deaths that have resulted from their base ideology.
So as some of the nation’s socialist left become further unhinged, hopefully others in this group will wake up to what their comrades are doing and saying. That perhaps that finally many of those on the left will see this and question their faith in Marx and turn away from it – forever.

Suffice it to say, there will always be those die-hard leftist ideologues who insist they aren’t ideologues who will parrot the slogans of the storied communist past and still think that their collective faith has not failed them. Many of these have a vested interest in trying to further that which has so spectacularly failed, Bernie Sanders comes to mind for some reason. But that small cadre of collectivists can always be shuttered away in their own rubber rooms, to leave the rest of us alone in peace and liberty.


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