Y2K And Why The Marxist Scheme Of The State Withering Away Is History’s Most Cynical Bait And Switch.

As they say, this is a feature and not a bug of the Marxist programme. They use it to take in new generations who think they’ve discovered the perfect political system and a way to get free goodies for no effort. This while having the ideal method to excuse failure and a reason why it will work the next time around.


To hear the socialists tell it, the Socialist regimes of it’s storied past weren’t really socialist. This is because things are supposed to be run by the people as a group and instead was run by a group of people, which isn’t the same thing according to them. Marxian theory held that socialism meant that the people as a group run the economy, but if a group of people run the economy that isn’t socialism. It was perfectly fine if a collection of people ran the show, but not if done by a collection of people.

Governments are merely groups of people in charge, and their owning and controlling the means of production was perfectly acceptable. But it wasn’t acceptable if a group of people governmentally owned and controlled the means of production. A system was Socialist only if the people owned and controlled the means of production instead of the people owning and controlling the means of production.

Supposedly a “Worker’s Paradise” will be born after the state ‘withers away’ because of there is one constant in the universe, it’s that people wielding great power over others will always want to give it away as quickly as possible. Yes, bureaucrats are often eager to rid themselves of their cushy positions and pay because they eschew having power and using other people’s money for their benefit.

So why does the title refer to the term‘Y2K’? For most readers under the age of 20, that reference will be meaningless. In short Y2K stood for potential computer errors that were to occur in the year 2000. Because early systems used only two digits to signify the year with the assumption that the first portion will always be ‘19’ for the previous century. This was supposed to be the imminent danger of the day. Without knowing the proper year computer systems would supposedly go haywire and launch nuclear weapons, cats and dogs would live together and mass hysteria would rein free or something.

Of course, nothing happened and the world kept on a spinning. This is being brought up because bureaucratic rules tasked with fixing this issue were only recently eliminated, 17 years after the fact. This small example is a prime illustration why ‘the state withering away’ is worse than it being a bizarre fantasy, it is a cynical scheme to sucker many into buying into an ideology than only serves to enslave rather than liberate.

Groups of people wielding power over others never willingly give it up, the historic record is quite clear on that point. But that doesn’t dissuade Marxists and Socialists from using this cynical scam to sucker new acolytes while excusing the repetitive failure of their base ideology.


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