Gun Confiscation Reference February 2011

February 22, 2011 Arizona Daily Star: Reinstate ban on military-style assault weapons

Reinstate ban on military-style assault weapons
Our view: Imperfect as law was, it noticeably reduced flow of such lethal guns
    Feb 22, 2011
This country needs to re-impose a new, effective ban on military-style assault weapons.

Banning semiautomatic assault weapons designed to kill lots of people quickly isn't quite as simple at it may appear on the surface. That must not keep us from trying.

We believe an imperfect ban is better than none when it comes to assault-style weaponry on our streets.

This country must enact a new federal ban on military-style assault weapons.

The Brady Campaign argues that a new federal ban should be modeled on California's law, which uses a "one-feature" test to define outlawed weapons. Thus those with just one military-style feature are illegal.

The U.S. essentially outlawed machine guns in 1934. It's time we took similar action against their very lethal descendants.

Arizona Daily Star


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