
Showing posts from December, 2018

2018: The year the far-Left became openly hostile to the cause of Liberty

Looking back at 2018 and how the Parkland mass murder caused the Left snap and drop the pretence of being Liberal. Reviewing the year 2018, one is struck by the fact that it was turning point with the far-Left drop kicking the mask concealing their true authoritarian ideals. There are times when one feels compelled to write about certain subjects or choose certain items for lists and other compilations. Last December, one New Year’s resolution was to stop complimenting Leftists with the term ‘Liberal’. While being an ongoing issue, it didn’t seem that prevalent. Never the less, there seemed to be a certain sense of being ‘guided’ to add this to the list. Little did we know that it turned out to be quite prescient in that 2018 was the year the Socialist-Left turned their back on Liberty. The new year started like most others in the midst of a cold winter for those in more mountainous or northern climes due to the ravages of Global cooling .. er.. Global Warming because ther

Journalists are ceding their roles to the SJW mobs and are paying the price

Looking back at 2018 and how the Parkland mass murder caused the Left snap and drop the pretence of being Liberal. Reviewing the year 2018, one is struck by the fact that it was turning point with the far-Left drop kicking the mask concealing their true authoritarian ideals. There are times when one feels compelled to write about certain subjects or choose certain items for lists and other compilations. Last December, one New Year’s resolution was to stop complimenting Leftists with the term ‘Liberal’. While being an ongoing issue, it didn’t seem that prevalent. Never the less, there seemed to be a certain sense of being ‘guided’ to add this to the list. Little did we know that it turned out to be quite prescient in that 2018 was the year the Socialist-Left turned their back on Liberty. The new year started like most others in the midst of a cold winter for those in more mountainous or northern climes due to the ravages of Global cooling .. er.. Global Warming because ther

Gloria Alvarez: Socialism leads to violence

The societal slavery of collectivism is dependent on the use of force, which is why the Left obsesses over gun confiscation. The Left’s base ideology of collectivism depends on the use of force or the threat of force to ‘redistribute’ the people’s property. This doesn’t work if the people can resist [to coin a phrase] this oppression. Therefore, it has to make it illegal to defend yourself as well as confiscate guns . The national Socialist-Left doesn’t really care about ‘safety’ or ‘the children’, it only cares about raw political power. Liberty control clearly does not work.  If that were the case, Chicago or Caracas would be the safest cites on the planet. If the Left were truly concerned about these issues, it wouldn’t foment policies that actually render people unsafe, that only serve to enslave their children. In this video from John Stossel Gloria Alvarez reports on how it destroys economies and always has to lead to violence: Socialism is now cool in some circles

What if they had a shutdown and no one cared?

Do the Leftists really want the people to learn that the government isn’t very important in the context of everyday life? We’ve seen this little drama played out far too many times. The politicians and especially the Left will play their little shutdown game with their comrades in the media hyperventilating over the crisis. Meanwhile, everyone else gets along with their daily lives hardly noticing that our government overseers aren’t keeping us safe from the ravages of freedom and Liberty. What would happen if the people realized that we don’t need most of the government? But what would happen if these shutdowns dragged on too long? What would happen if the people came to the realisation that we don’t need to be spending trillions of dollars to see an ever-tightening constriction on our Liberty? By implication, almost half the government is non-essential according to the Associated Press.  So why are we still paying for it with money we don’t have? Sure, the Democrats and

Let’s just say it: Miracles prove that God exists

The overwhelming evidence makes it difficult to have enough ‘faith’ to be an atheist. The book entitled I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist and the subheading are expressions of the idea that it takes a certain level of ‘faith’ in atheism to deny all the evidence of the existence of God. Consider this idea in terms of this aphorism attributed to Albert Einstein: “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” One can try to believe that ‘nothing is a miracle’ but this would take a tremendous amount of denial. There is either overwhelming evidence of the existence of God or there is not. Take into account just a couple of examples of miracles or evidence that the astronomical odds that it’s all a ‘cosmic accident’. Miraculous recoveries such as the one in the story reported here by Lorie Wimble : Doctors baffled as inoperable brain tumor in 11-year-old Roxli Doss miraculously disappe

Should classical liberals attempt to retake the “liberal” moniker from leftists?

Making the case that Pro-Liberty Conservatives rightfully deserve to be called Liberals. A proper discussion should entail two primary points of contention. Classic Liberals are essentially Liberals. Conservatives are in essence classic liberals. Let’s begin with looking at how the various dictionaries handle the phrase ‘classical liberal’ compared to the original term. In most cases, online dictionaries will default to the original term when searching for the definition of the phrase. Thus, according to these reference sources, ‘classical liberals’ are merely Liberals QED. This should make the case in general terms that Classic Liberals and Liberals are one in the same. The word ‘classic’ also tries to make reference to the original meaning of the word, but that really isn’t the case with most definitions. In many ways, that phrase distinguishes ‘classic Liberals’ from ‘modern Liberals’ , but since the term is closely associated with Liberty, just the word Liberal sh

Top 5 reasons bump stocks shouldn’t be banned

A semi-satirical look at what is essentially a toy in the celebration of liberty Now that Trump has completed the paperwork on the ‘meaningless gesture’ of the bump stock ban, many are begging off the need for these devices (along with fingers, rubber bands and belt loops). As Michael Corleone famously said,  “Just when I thought I was out… they pull me back in.”  The original intent was to detail the egregious bump stock surrender by the Trump administration. Thankfully, Tammy Rucker detailed the issues of this step onto the slippery slope. For the sake of ‘balance’, we thought we would take a satirical look at the issue. This will be a bit of ‘resistance’ for the cause of Liberty with a soupçon of levity. 1. They are jolly good fun Let’s face it, blasting away at targets at the range can be quite boring (not really, but work with us here).  Who really wants to spend time firing off a few thousand rounds of ammunition on a lazy afternoon at the range? The visceral fee

Tucker on new NJ gun ban: Venezuela banned gun ownership before country’s collapse

  Tucker Carlson makes the point that the Leftists opposing Liberty should target criminals instead of the innocent. Letting Tucker Carlson speak for himself, But we’re emphasizing two important points: Gun Confiscation has nothing to do with ‘safety’ or ‘protecting the children’ but empowering the Socialist Left. Crime has skyrocket in the Socialist Utopia of Venezuela after the government disarmed the people. Just as the Left wants to do in the states. He also made the point that indicates the other party is arguing in bad faith.   If they really were concerned about gun violence, then they would go after that small segment of the population that is committing this violence. Instead they are going after innocent gun owners. Tucker on New NJ Gun Law: Venezuela Banned Gun Ownership Before Country’s Collapse He said that in Venezuela, the point was not to make people safer, but to “disarm the public.” Now, it is a felony in New Jersey for ordinary citizens to “def

New rule needed: Old Ideas have to work BEFORE they can be tried again

If the Unaffordable Care Act [Obamacare] didn’t work properly, why replace it with more of the same? It’s a pattern replicated far too many times. There is a small expansion of government based on a ‘new’ idea that inevitably fails to work as promised. This is replaced with an even bigger expansion of government to solve the issues of the original program. When this also fails to work, an even bigger government expansion fails even more spectacularly. Each time the ‘new’ idea repeatedly fails making the situation far worse. Instead determining what actually can work, the same mistakes are made over and over with the futile expectation of different results. If an idea is flawed, the results will always be the same no matter it’s size or overreach. Old ideas have to be shown to work BEFORE they can be tried again There is a perfectly easy way to avoid repeated failure. Look at what works and reject what doesn’t. If the basic idea of a law or government program is a known failur

Two steps to gun confiscation

Six years ago, the Liberty grabbers on the Left dropped the mask, going full throttle for taking guns. Consider the situation 6 years ago, Obama has just won re-election, the Left held a tight grip on the government and then the Sandy Hook mass murders took place, changing the way the Left approached the subject of gun confiscation. Obama and the rest of the nation’s Socialist-Left seized on the issue of Liberty control with a vengeance. They were finally were going to vanquish the common sense human Right of Self-defence. It was at this time that they made a major course change in how they talked about the issue of our basic civil rights. They had previously denied what was obvious about their assaults on Liberty. After the tragedy in Connecticut, the dam burst on their demands for gun confiscation as can be seen in the updated lists on the subject. These are excerpts in how they’ve telegraphed their p

Leftists keep crying wolf: How ‘racist’ has lost all meaning

The Left needs to start coming up with real arguments instead of relying on the crutch of name-calling. Nick Kangadis , @TruthOfChicago of  MRCTV makes the point that Leftist name calling has destroyed the emotional impact of certain words, leaving them without any practical debating points. Not to mention that a fair amount of time they are merely projecting their maladies on their opposition. Does the action of being called a “racist” mean anything anymore? You’d think for being people that constantly talk about how tolerant and inclusive they are, the Left sure are hellbent on removing any weight actual racism carries, among other labels they like to arbitrarily place on people. The funny part of the whole thing is that the people who always cry racism seem to be the biggest racists. Rules for the rational: Never substitute name-calling for a real argument It’s one thing to frame the debate with a label or proper term, it’s quite another to simply use pejoratives w

Will the left finally admit that gun confiscation has failed to keep people safe?

Shouldn’t the gun confiscation crowd admit that depriving the people of the right of self-defense hasn’t kept people safe? That didn’t take long. In many cases it’s easy to predict how long a news story will stay in the headlines. Yesterday, December 11, 2018 a terrorist shouting “Allahu Akbar” attacked a Christmas market in the French city of Strasbourg. French police release image of Christmas market attack suspect The killer, who opened fire with a handgun and used a knife to stab people, is still on the run after he was shot in the arm during a gunfight with police. He escaped in a taxi and there are concerns he may have fled to Germany where vehicles are now being checked at the border. Chekatt has 27 convictions in France, Germany and Switzerland, said prosecutor Remy Heitz. In less than 24 hours, the story has almost dropped from the headlines. Had this taken place stateside, the liberty grabbers on the left would have exploited the tragedy for maximum politic

Top 5 ‘Bottomless Pinocchios’ of the national socialist left

That perfect paragon of journalistic ‘objectivity’, the Washington Post, introduced a new rating for lies. We applied them to the left. The Washington Post has developed a new rating system – the ‘Bottomless Pinocchio’  – for a false claim repeated over and over. This is somewhat ironic since the leftist media excels in the practice. While we will try to keep this to the more egregious and discrete lies of the left, a few notes on their other types of lies are in order. The labeling and language lies of the left Even the labels they apply to themselves – aside from being socialist – are falsehoods. These are people who work against the cause of liberty on a daily basis while pretending to be liberal.  It’s a post-modernism community that has the false front of being ‘progressive’, that would prefer to use the judiciary to impose their socialist national agenda rather than democratic means. Then there is the game of lying by language the left plays to excess. Time was, glo

Bumping off the 2nd Amendment: Connecting the dots to confiscation

From now on, the context will be confiscation for any and all Leftist demands on firearms. It was reported recently that the Trump administration is going to  take the law into  its  own hands  to defy logic and ban so called  ‘Bump-Stock’  devices. It’s a confounding move that will do nothing to placate the Liberty grabber Left while at the same infuriate the Pro-Liberty Right. The administration is going to redefine the statutory meaning of the term  ‘Machine Gun’  away from trigger functionality to an arbitrary definition,  subject to change at the whim of the next administration. In addition to an executive rewrite of existing law that makes a mockery of basic firearm terminology, it also used the fact that these devices didn’t previously exist to justify their surrender or destruction.  [Please note the usual disclaimer that any criticism of Trump means that somehow, someway, we wanted Hillary Clinton to win 2 years ago or something]. JD Rucker already addressed  some of

Why wasn’t a thwarted school shooting a major news story?

(Please note that we are not using the perpetrator’s name to keep the focus on the heroes who stopped this potential tragedy) The liberty grabbers on the left usually jump at a chance to demonize the 2nd Amendment. Why not in this case? Three staff members of Smith High School in Greensboro, North Carolina stopped a potential tragedy on Monday by quickly locking down the school and arresting the perpetrator. The first to intervene was Patrick Jordan, a Behavioral Intervention Specialist who works at the school. He noticed someone who did not “fit in” walking past in the courtyard. Jordan then approached the man to ask why he was there, and after a short exchange the individual raised his shirt to show a handgun. Assistant Principal, Lashonti Hines, also noticed the gun. Hines and Jordan immediately called for a lock down. The criminal ran and was arrested after being tased by school Resource Officer, D.K. Evans. The perpetrator had previously assaulted his girlfriend in

Liberty in the crosshairs: The Leftist cold war on words

Developing a counteroffensive in response to the Left’s guerrilla warfare. The cause of Liberty is in serious trouble, It’s no secret that the nation’s Socialist-Left cannot abide it. As Walter Williams stated in an interview on CRTV, tyrants will often use the vestiges of Liberty and Liberalism to get their foot in the door. After which they throw off these pretensions in their quest for power. It also shouldn’t be the least hyperbolic to observe that each day the situation becomes worse and worse, with the observation by many that we are already engaged in a cold civil war. We shortened the term since the word ‘civil’ seems out-of-place in this context. This war is being fought with words instead of rounds of ammunition. Thoughts instead of armoured columns. Leftist guerrilla warfare is trying to destroy western culture In general terms, guerrilla warfare initially consists of small-unit hit and run attacks against soft targets in what used to be called the rear echelon.