What if they had a shutdown and no one cared?

Do the Leftists really want the people to learn that the government isn’t very important in the context of everyday life?

We’ve seen this little drama played out far too many times. The politicians and especially the Left will play their little shutdown game with their comrades in the media hyperventilating over the crisis. Meanwhile, everyone else gets along with their daily lives hardly noticing that our government overseers aren’t keeping us safe from the ravages of freedom and Liberty.

What would happen if the people realized that we don’t need most of the government?

But what would happen if these shutdowns dragged on too long? What would happen if the people came to the realisation that we don’t need to be spending trillions of dollars to see an ever-tightening constriction on our Liberty?
By implication, almost half the government is non-essential according to the Associated Press. So why are we still paying for it with money we don’t have?
Sure, the Democrats and the media [but we repeat ourselves] will tell us that we need the government to tell us to be worried about climate change, something that has been taking place since the formation of the planet. Or they won’t be there for us when we need their benevolent guidance in knowing which common words are suddenly ‘Hate speech’. Then there is the enormous crisis of 120 million gun owners possessing 400 – 600 million guns that quiescently sit around in homes around the country in places that still believe in Liberty. Firearms that will never harm anything aside from a few paper targets.
After all, we are talking about a time of the year when we don’t care to hear about our wondrous government in the first place. Most of us are too busy enjoying life and having fun to care about how the Left would like to keep us under it’s enormous and callused thumb. These are people who still pretend to be Liberal so desperately wanting control over our lives, funded by the money they forcibly take from us.
As video raconteur Bill Whittle once stated on his channel:
“Politics is the religion, the hobby, the occupation and the primary motivation of people on the Left. That’s how they get the world they want is through politics. We get the world we want going out on our own and working hard and trying to build a life for ourselves that’s not dependent on telling other people what to do.” Bill Whittle

The Takeaway

For most of the country, we can live our lives in peace knowing that the government isn’t out there getting in the way of freedom and innovation. Everyone woke up this morning secure in the knowledge that the world kept on spinning without thousands of non-essential government workers [That being a contradiction in terms in far too many cases].
On the other hand,  Leftists are panicked over the prospect that the people may realise we don’t need this big a government paid for with money we don’t have.

 Originally published on the NOQ Report


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