2018: The year the far-Left became openly hostile to the cause of Liberty

Looking back at 2018 and how the Parkland mass murder caused the Left snap and drop the pretence of being Liberal.
Reviewing the year 2018, one is struck by the fact that it was turning point with the far-Left drop kicking the mask concealing their true authoritarian ideals. There are times when one feels compelled to write about certain subjects or choose certain items for lists and other compilations. Last December, one New Year’s resolution was to stop complimenting Leftists with the term ‘Liberal’. While being an ongoing issue, it didn’t seem that prevalent. Never the less, there seemed to be a certain sense of being ‘guided’ to add this to the list. Little did we know that it turned out to be quite prescient in that 2018 was the year the Socialist-Left turned their back on Liberty.
The new year started like most others in the midst of a cold winter for those in more mountainous or northern climes due to the ravages of Global cooling.. er.. Global Warming because there is nothing like the planet becoming colder due to the planet getting hotter, at least for one hemisphere.
It was mid February when an event took place that was pivotal in the far Left’s relationship to freedom. After local law enforcement dropped the ball in dealing with a troubled teenager and failed to protect the children, the Parkland mass murder tragedy took place, becoming the top news story of the year, according to a survey by the associated press.

A perfect ‘Serious crisis’ to help those hostile to Liberty.

The crisis was a ‘perfect storm’ bringing forth a small group of teenagers of the correct political persuasion. Old enough to be exploited by the Liberty grabber groups, but young enough that any legitimate criticism of them would be akin to attacking ‘children’. The ‘March for our lives’ movement seemed to spring up almost overnight, with a little help from the usual suspects in the gun confiscation groups.
These ‘serious crisis’ have always been exploited by those who keep up the pretext of being ‘Liberal’ while working to squeeze the Life out of Liberty. The lists of Leftists demanding gun confiscation always seem to have quite a few centred around these crises. It has always been their MO to make the false claim of the ‘easy access’ to guns, get whatever constrictions they can on our freedom and then patiently wait for the next serious crisis they can exploit to make the very same assertions.
For some reason, this event changed all that. In much the same way that political campaigns have become permanent cultural fixtures. This launched a permanent campaign to evince a design to the Left’s ultimate goal of gun confiscation.

Expanding the attack on Liberty.

The main feature of this ‘serious crisis’ was that it caused the far-Left to snap and widen their assault on Liberty. They used to just assail the commonsense human right of self-defense, this time around they expanded the attack on other rights that are supportive of self-preservation. Soon enough, YouTube began taking down videos on various innocuous aspects of Gunsmithing. Various corporations of a Leftist authoritarian bent began trying to dictate the extent of our civil rights by refusing to sell certain types of perfectly ordinary and legal firearms. As well as arbitrarily deciding who can buy firearms based on age.
Then of course there was the ‘March for our lives’ event last spring. Hordes of adults being cast as children by the media finally being open and honest about dictating the limits of our Liberty and of course gun confiscation. The watchword was on 21st century weapons, even though most of these originated in the previous two. But then again, the Liberty grabber Left has never let the facts get in the way of a good emotional appeal devoid of the truth.

Gun Confiscation SWATing with so-called ‘Red-Flag’ laws.

On the governmental side of the Left’s offense on freedom, politicians on all levels hit on the concept of Gun Confiscation SWATing with so-called ‘Red-Flag’ laws. Whereby those deemed ‘dangerous’ or just guilty of ‘thoughtcrime’ by a select few could suddenly find themselves at the blunt end of a battering ram with the government breaking down their door to confiscate their means of self-defense. Never mind that most jurisdictions already had laws covering this problem.
Often times, certain vestiges of culture can become codified in law when exploited by Leftists trying to enhance their raw political power. Such is the case with Gun Confiscation SWATing. What began as a way of someone attempting revenge by falsifying caller ID data, telephoning in a report to law enforcement to as to get a response via a SWAT team. Has morphed into an official set of laws making it possible for people such as neighbours or friends to deprive someone of their property without Constitutional protection of due process or even their knowledge until it’s too late. This has already resulted in the death the of one man for the ‘crime’ of possessing a means of self-defense.

Going after the right of self-defense with a flanking attack on freedom.

It was only after the Parkland tragedy that the Left decided that the best way of making self-defense illegal was by going after other freedoms that undergird this basic human right. Social media companies began implementing draconian politics to suppress free-speech that verges on guns or other verboten subjects.
True to form, a Leftist politician chose to try to exploit this trend codifying that one must submit to a ‘thoughtcrime’ investigation to exercise a basic human right. Presumably, one is only ‘allowed’ to have these God given rights if one has the correct way of thinking.

The Left also wants the banks to control your freedom.

Then in a last outrageous development for the year, the New York times outlined how it wants private businesses in the form of certain financial institutions to police the credit card purchases of those desirous of their Constitutional and natural rights. In addition to all the national, state and local laws that already infringe on the right of self-preservation, New York times in it’s infinite wisdom would like banks to look over the shoulder of private citizens and decide the limits of their Liberty.

The Takeaway.

What began with a low-level issue of the Left exploiting a word to create the false impression of support of Liberty. Has transitioned to one where they have made a mockery of the concept.
The right of self-defense is the bedrock of Liberty. One cannot exercise any other rights if the Left has a monopoly on the use of force. Those who love the pretence of supposedly being Liberal, have made it their life’s work in depriving the people of its most fundamental aspect. They’ve expanded their attack to the other freedoms that are mutually supportive of this right, no doubt this will intensify in the new year.

 Originally published on the NOQ Report


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