Liberty in the crosshairs: The Leftist cold war on words

Developing a counteroffensive in response to the Left’s guerrilla warfare.
The cause of Liberty is in serious trouble, It’s no secret that the nation’s Socialist-Left cannot abide it. As Walter Williams stated in an interview on CRTV, tyrants will often use the vestiges of Liberty and Liberalism to get their foot in the door. After which they throw off these pretensions in their quest for power. It also shouldn’t be the least hyperbolic to observe that each day the situation becomes worse and worse, with the observation by many that we are already engaged in a cold civil war. We shortened the term since the word ‘civil’ seems out-of-place in this context. This war is being fought with words instead of rounds of ammunition. Thoughts instead of armoured columns.

Leftist guerrilla warfare is trying to destroy western culture

In general terms, guerrilla warfare initially consists of small-unit hit and run attacks against soft targets in what used to be called the rear echelon. With this type of warfare, there is no rear echelon, no safe areas. The point of these attacks is to wear the enemy down, while keeping one’s forces safe from retaliatory strikes. Attacks from everywhere and anywhere keep the enemy off-balance, unable to find respite from the constantly shifting battlefield.
In military parlance gleaned from years of bitter experience, the best response to an attack of this nature is a direct counter attack. The enemy will often want a certain response that helps their cause immensely, this is the course of action to avoid.

Once upon a time, the Left pretended to be liberal

There was a time when Leftist’s pretensions as being ‘Liberal’ had a thin veneer of credibility. They at least tried to keep up the façade, standing up for the cause here and there. Their comrades in the national socialist media likewise maintained their cover story as being ‘objective’ journalists. Their news stories and opinion pieces had a modicum of balance.
This is no longer the case. Every day the national socialist-Left tries to conjure up new ways of being ‘offended’ at words that have been around for centuries. Media personalities of the Left’s media organs have dropped most, if not all pretense at being objective in favour of an agenda of collectivist propaganda.
We could cite some prime examples of these instances of the Left being offended or the media off the rails of objectivity, but that will change in the next 5 minutes.

Most people have had enough of the Left’s cold war on our culture

The good news is that many have become sick of this undeclared cold war on words. A recent poll had 80% of the people fed up with political correctness. They are sick of the constant chaos and uncertainty on what is considered to be ‘PC’ at the moment. Every time they turn around, some new tradition or cultural icon will be under attack from the enemies of Liberty on the Left.
Many simply chose to ignore the Left, hoping they will go away. Others point out the absurdity of the contradictory tantrums of the Left without taking action. Both do nothing to stop the insanity. As it the case with actual warfare, the best defense is a good offense, although not literally in this case

The power of the word NO

Carrying over the analogy to our situation, the best course of action is a direct response, beginning with the elemental tactic of telling them NO to any of their insane demands. In much the same way as disciplining a toddler or a pet, a firm NO is sometimes the best answer to the Left’s antics. Giving ground only serves to encourage additional requirements. In many situations the best way to handle the Socialist Justice Warriors is to refuse their demands, telling them to go away.

A lexicon for the defense of Liberty

In other cases, we all need to come up with responses to the Left’s ‘NPC’ style assaults. They tend to use the same phrases and insults, ad nauseam, so developing a set of responses will be easy. These will be the military equivalent of attacking the source of an ambush directly with greater or overwhelming firepower. In most cases, there will be the usual Leftist assault phrase, what it truly means and the counteroffensive response. Here is one example to get the ball rolling:

  • Leftese word or phrase: Socialism
  • What it truly means: Buying votes with other people’s money.
  • The Pro-Liberty term for Socialism: Societal Slavery

The Takeaway.

Going along to get along is no longer a practical strategy, it only encourages further assaults. Barring the use of the good old-fashioned adult response of NO to the Left. It is time we developed a set of response words and phrases to Leftist absurdities. Our sanity and the defense of Liberty demands it.

 Originally published on the NOQ Report


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