Top 5 reasons bump stocks shouldn’t be banned

A semi-satirical look at what is essentially a toy in the celebration of liberty

Now that Trump has completed the paperwork on the ‘meaningless gesture’ of the bump stock ban, many are begging off the need for these devices (along with fingers, rubber bands and belt loops).
As Michael Corleone famously said, “Just when I thought I was out… they pull me back in.” 
The original intent was to detail the egregious bump stock surrender by the Trump administration. Thankfully, Tammy Rucker detailed the issues of this step onto the slippery slope. For the sake of ‘balance’, we thought we would take a satirical look at the issue. This will be a bit of ‘resistance’ for the cause of Liberty with a soupçon of levity.

1. They are jolly good fun

Let’s face it, blasting away at targets at the range can be quite boring (not really, but work with us here).  Who really wants to spend time firing off a few thousand rounds of ammunition on a lazy afternoon at the range? The visceral feeling of breaking the shot, feeling the recoil with a loud report, smoke and flame belching from the muzzle with a hole blasted through the target precisely at the point of aim (ahem…or just to the left of it) as the empty casing hits the ground with small but distinctive metallic ting.
Aside from maintaining skills that are truly a matter of life and death, is there any purpose for all of this?
Enter the Bump-Stock. Sure, they are wildly inaccurate, but sending a virtually unending stream of rounds in the general direction of the target can really be a lot of fun. Especially with the introduction of new shooters to the sport so they have fun at learning a vital life skill. Bump stocks are the virtual frosting on the range time cake. We really shouldn’t need a reason to keep up a perishable skill having a great time with family or friends, but a bump stock can fit the bill.

2. They are Boon for the ammo industry

Someone has to supply all the ammo for all that bump firing fun, why not have it be some nice corporations in the fine tradition of economic Liberty. We get to pepper some targets or ring a steel gong with a friendly blast of gunfire, and they get to make all kinds of profits, now that’s real progress. We also have all the wonderful people who work in the retail supply chain selling off skids of ammo, who also making lots of money in the process. It’s a win-win for everybody.

3. It upsets the Leftist Liberty grabbers

When else can you own an inanimate piece of plastic or metal that annoys Leftists everywhere? Granted that holds true for anyone anywhere that possesses the means for their self-defense, but work with us here. Leftists with the misguided notion that they hold the moral high ground, cannot stand that there are millions of innocent people outside their control. In the case of Bump-stocks, fingers, rubber bands or belt loops, it’s a case where they lose their collective cookies over people having fun with firearms. Nothing beats an afternoon with the family in good clean fun with some schadenfreuden shooting.

4. They ‘resist’ the concept of collective guilt

Mind you, this idea is valid only with selective subjects as deemed by our betters on the nation’s Socialist-Left. People who pretend to be Liberal are perfectly happy punishing millions of innocent people for the crimes of one.
Meanwhile millions of people are confined, tortured and executed under the control of the societal slavery of collectivism. This is the base ideology of the Left, and yet they feel no guilt at being connected to these crimes against humanity – to the point that they advocate the very same policies of ‘Universal Healthcare’ or civilian disarmament.

5. It’s a halt on the slippery slope

We already know that Nancy ‘slippery slope’ Pelosi will celebrate another step in the destruction of Liberty, along the Marx for our lives gang. However, consider the subtle change in the reporting of this story by the Associated Press:
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration moved Tuesday to officially ban bump stocks, which allow semi-automatic weapons to fire rapidly like automatic firearms, and has made them illegal to possess beginning in late March. [emphasis mine]
While also taking note of how the second paragraph tangentially refers to machine guns, with the wording being somewhat ambiguous, stopping short of making the claim that these devices turn semi-automatic firearms into ‘Machine guns’:
The devices will be banned under a federal law that prohibits machine guns, according to a senior Justice Department official.
It doesn’t try to make the earlier claim that these produced, in effect, illegal ‘machine guns’, only that the ban will fall under the same generalized rubric.

The Takeaway

On a more serious note, everyone should consider that this edict from Trump makes a mockery of the King’s English in twisting around the meaning of words to appease the Liberty grabber Left. The change to referring to how these devices ‘allow semi-automatic weapons to fire rapidly like automatic firearms’ will set off a new mantra from the Left. If this edict survives the court challenges, the National Socialist Media and the Liberty grabber Left (but we repeat ourselves) will suddenly amplify their assertion on how fast semi-automatic firearms can shoot.
They will suddenly discover that people can fire rapidly with belt loops, rubber bands or just their fingers. Their end game being the banning and confiscation of most firearms in civilian hands. As has been the case for a several years, this was never about ‘safety’ or ‘reform’ but empowering them while depriving the people of their means of self-preservation.

 Originally published on the NOQ Report


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