Gloria Alvarez: Socialism leads to violence

The societal slavery of collectivism is dependent on the use of force, which is why the Left obsesses over gun confiscation.

The Left’s base ideology of collectivism depends on the use of force or the threat of force to ‘redistribute’ the people’s property. This doesn’t work if the people can resist [to coin a phrase] this oppression. Therefore, it has to make it illegal to defend yourself as well as confiscate guns.
The national Socialist-Left doesn’t really care about ‘safety’ or ‘the children’, it only cares about raw political power.
Liberty control clearly does not work.  If that were the case, Chicago or Caracas would be the safest cites on the planet. If the Left were truly concerned about these issues, it wouldn’t foment policies that actually render people unsafe, that only serve to enslave their children.
In this video from John Stossel Gloria Alvarez reports on how it destroys economies and always has to lead to violence:
Socialism is now cool in some circles.
Newly elected Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez praises “Democratic Socialism” and told comedian Stephen Colbert, “in a modern, moral and wealthy society, no person in America should be too poor to live.”
Colbert ate it up. “Seems pretty simple!” he replied, to cheers from his audience.
But socialism shouldn’t be cool, Gloria Alvarez reported recently, noting that it wrecks economies. In this video she points out that it also leads to government using force against its own citizens.
Regimes that call themselves socialist have killed millions of people. Tens of millions were killed in the USSR. Same in China. Millions also died in Cambodia and North Korea, which claimed to follow socialist ideals.
Today’s socialist say that those countries didn’t do “real” socialism. They promise that their experiment will be different, and better. “Democratic socialists” like Sen. Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez certainly promise to avoid anything like the horrors of previous self-described socialist governments.
But Alvarez says that socialism, whatever the variant, tends to turn out the same way. Right now, people die in Latin American countries that fell for socialism’s promises.

Originally published on the NOQ Report


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