
Showing posts from February, 2020

‘Unite America’ PAC: Everything that’s wrong with the covert socialist left

A federal “Hybrid" PAC in Denver claims to be ‘non-partisan’ but strangely has the same agenda items of the left For all of his faults and ideology based on falsehoods, at least Bernie Sanders is honest about who he is. Breadline Bernie proudly admits that he’s a socialist. Those of you who claim to be ‘democratic’ socialists will have to prove there is a difference before we will accept your name game. Contrast that with presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg and others who claim to be ‘moderates’ or ‘centrists’ who hide their  sinister  ways. That still want the same items of the left’s socialist national agenda. Enter the supposedly ‘non-partisan’ Unite America a self described “Hybrid” PAC Consider the following  problems they list on their website : Skyrocketing health care costs. The growing gap between rich and poor. Rising budget deficits. A climate in crisis. While the rising budget deficit is something of a concern for those of us trying to conserv

The left has weaponized the language: It’s easier to change a word than change a law

A rather profound statement that explains the new tactics of the left in restricting liberty with weasel words. The headline was a paraphrasing of a rather profound statement on our current situation on how the post modernist left tries to change society to their collectivist dictates. It was an observation made in the above video on how the NHS has slippery-sloped its way into controlling free speech. For those unfamiliar, Tim Pool is a video journalist who considers himself to be a ‘moderate’ liberal. Those who have viewed his content over time can’t help but notice that someone who used to support Bernie Sanders is now gradually moving further and further to the pro-liberty right side of the political spectrum. Perhaps even he hasn’t noticed it, but he has gradually moved towards the freedom side, away from the authoritarian left. This is unsurprising for those who have experienced or studied socialism first hand. Only those with a superficial knowledge of socialism actuall

We won’t survive the socialist onslaught without core principles set in liberty

We need to articulate a set of pro-liberty principles to withstand the onslaught from the authoritarian socialist left. Steve Deace was on the  Glenn Beck program  on Wednesday analysing the Super Tuesday results. Towards the end of the interview he emphasised a very important point. The turmoil on the left clouds the fact that they have a core set of principles. It’s just a matter of whether they are  overt or covert socialists. The larger point is that they have pushed the Overton Window so far to the left that it’s about to fall off of a cliff. Meanwhile, we on the pro-liberty right are just offering ‘goulash’, a mishmash of ad hoc policies without any real guiding principles. Mr. Deace made the point that history is won by the side with strong convictions. For all of their faults, the nation’s socialist left at least has these convictions. They have never worked and will never work, but that’s part of the threat. History has shown there is nothing more dangerous than

Gaffemaster: Joe Biden claims 150 million people have been killed with guns since 2007

Making up numbers to instil fear can have it’s drawbacks, especially when they push the boundaries of common sense. There are gaffes, and then there are Joe Biden gaffes, a category that almost no one can match. Tonight at the Democratic debate he made the extraordinary claim that  half the U.S. population has died of gun violence since 2007 . While that was an unfathomable fail in it’s own right, none other than former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe made the even more extraordinary claim in 2017 that that the United States loses  “93 million Americans a day to gun violence.”  This points up the danger for the liberty grabber left in simply making things up on the fly to instill fear to get people to give up their freedom. At some point in time, the numbers become ridiculous and rightfully destroy the credibility of left’s national socialist movement. Originally published on the NOQ Report

Mark Judson is why authoritarian leftists are known as liberty grabbers

A candidate for Congress from the nation’s socialist left drops the mask, revealing his true authoritarian mindset Self-described ‘Resistance Bad-Ass (D)’ Mark Judson decided to conduct a little poll yesterday on whether or not his political opponents should be fired ‘from any Federal Jobs, to include the military, in order to protect the Nation’. He stated flat out that he was: ‘Not proposing policy – just seeing where people are on this.’ Not proposing policy – just seeing where people are on this: In 2021, after Trump is gone, we will be able to tell who 90% of his supporters are via Social Media records. Should we fire all of them from any Federal Jobs, to include the military, in order to protect the Nation? — Mark Judson For Congress (@Judson4Congress)  February 23, 2020 Unfortunately, this revealed too much of his underlying mindset. The resulting ratio party caused him to delete the tweet after few hours, but as they say, the  Internet is forever : As

What is so difficult about using leftist instead of liberal when referring to authoritarian socialists?

Improperly using the word liberal when referring to authoritarian leftists insults potential allies in liberty. There is a cold civil war being waged between the pro-liberty right and the authoritarian socialist-left. It’s a war of words that could change into a real conflict if certain issues aren’t resolved. Leftists have learned how to weaponise the language to deceive the people and frame the debate to their advantage. That is why they are very careful in the terms they use to describe themselves and the issues at hand. They have done this by hijacking certain labels that are antithetical to their true belief system. “The champions of socialism call themselves progressives, but they recommend a system which is characterized by rigid observance of routine and by a resistance to every kind of improvement.  They call themselves liberals, but they are intent upon abolishing liberty.  They call themselves democrats, but they yearn for dictatorship. They call themselves revolut

Bloomberg’s big adventure: Praising dictators, dodging demonstrators and buying public sidewalks

The ongoing saga of a would-be authoritarian elitist trying to buy an election because he knows better The astounding revelations on Democratic candidate Michael Bloomberg keep coming out causing people to wonder how he even has a chance. He has insulted people, both high and low while showing a distinct admiration for dictators. His chief rival admitted socialist ‘breadline’ Bernie has his own issues in this area, making the case that neither of them are suitable for the Oval office. Both come across as would-be dictators, so it’s hard to decide which one would be the worse of the worst. There are a number of issues with the man, so it’s  hard to pick  out the  most   damaging   revelations  of the  moment . But there are a couple of both high and low examples that make it clear Bloomberg should never be even close to the White House. Michael Bloomberg: Xi Jinping is Not a Dictator As reported here  a few months ago on a segment from the PBS program Firing Line with M