We won’t survive the socialist onslaught without core principles set in liberty

We need to articulate a set of pro-liberty principles to withstand the onslaught from the authoritarian socialist left.

Steve Deace was on the Glenn Beck program on Wednesday analysing the Super Tuesday results. Towards the end of the interview he emphasised a very important point. The turmoil on the left clouds the fact that they have a core set of principles. It’s just a matter of whether they are overt or covert socialists.
The larger point is that they have pushed the Overton Window so far to the left that it’s about to fall off of a cliff. Meanwhile, we on the pro-liberty right are just offering ‘goulash’, a mishmash of ad hoc policies without any real guiding principles. Mr. Deace made the point that history is won by the side with strong convictions.
For all of their faults, the nation’s socialist left at least has these convictions. They have never worked and will never work, but that’s part of the threat.
History has shown there is nothing more dangerous than ideologues who will use any means necessary to maintain their power and get their non-functional monstrosity to work. Such people have oppressed nations, thrown thousands into mental institutions and murdered millions to force collectivism to down our throats.

Pro-liberty principles are superior to collectivist control schemes

While we on the pro-liberty right have a strong set of beliefs, we tend to keep them in the background. We tend to focus on day-to-day practical matters instead of liberty and limited government. Such guiding principles inform as to who we are, but we have been bullied by the left into silence on the subject.
The authoritarian left can fill in whatever they want in the resulting vacuum, to the point of claiming they favor liberty with the false label of ‘liberal’. We know that collectivist control is the death of liberty, but when we are silent on the subject, the left can fill in the blanks with whatever they want.
The same holds true for their supposed advocacy of ‘progress’ with their other false label ‘progressive’. Some leftists have the false notion that their ideas are less than 200 years old, when they are really 2,400 years old. Thus they can pretend to be new ideas for the furtherance of ‘progress’.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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